Funny it is, annoying it was

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Wyatt was looking at Matthew. The Alligator pupils were sharp because of the light flashing at them. Wyatt gulped because it was kinda scary but the way Matthew was looking in the distance was so sad. He knew he had to talk but what words can he possibly be saying. He was never good at talking emotions. He himself never shared much than necessary. But he knew he had to try something, seeing Matthew like this made him somehow feel bad the same. He reached out with his hand on Matthew's shoulder. Wyatt rubbed on the shirt's fabric while thinking for a second and exhaling a bit anxious about his choice of words.

Wyatt: "what...are you hurt?"

Wyatt mentally facepalmed himself because that was the stupidest thing he could ask. It was obvious Matthew was hurt. Wyatt was getting nervous, his ears fell flat before he talked again.

Wyatt: "I-I mean you seem hurt but huh I huh what happ-"

Matthew turned his head to look at Wyatt, that combined to the sudden rise of wind on his face made him stop in his stuttering. Matthew looked at him deep in the eyes with a faint smile and then back again forward.

Matthew: "I went to practice...things were going smoothly until my captain got out of the pool because he had to deal with something first. The others then started mumbling something but I wasn't paying much attention to that."

Matthew stopped, his hands that were brought together were a bit shaking. Wyatt quickly said "you don't have don't have to tell me..."

Matthew: "It's alright...I got of the water because I heard my phone ring. It was actually a text from my captain, he said he was already too far from the pool and he forgot his glasses. He asked if I could bring them to him in the Gymnasium...I went for the bag he left and saw his glasses, I took them and placed a towel on my shoulder. I walked towards the gymnasium and entered but it was empty, he was not there. I frowned a bit confused...(*sigh*)"

Matthew's hand reached for his jaw a bit rubbing it where there was the faint blood trail. He proceeded while Wyatt's face was more than down.

Matthew: "I was in deep thoughts and didn't got the time to react fast enough. I saw from the corner of right eye something heading my way at high speed. It was a metal bat. I was quick enough to dodge a potential blow on the back of my head but got hit in the jaw. I fell and saw one of my teammates that didn't come for practice today. He looked at me in disgust. I was still dealing with the pain I didn't clearly understood the situation. More people came from behind him. He was saying stuff about was huh speciest, I just shrugged it off, then he said something about his girlfriend leaving him and me apparently pulling her into me."

Those words echoed in Wyatt's mind as he widened his eyes in shock. Some punk randomly assaulted Matthew, over what, a girl?! To Wyatt, this was nonsense. But he kept listening.

Matthew: "That's bullshit I said to him as I got up. He was clearly pissed and he started swinging his bat, the others were ready to pounce on me....(*closing his eyes*)I...don't...I despise violence, honestly I don't care if they are some weirdos speciest or think I did whatever they said...but they showed me a picture of my mother's car. I just..."

Wyatt could see Matthew's body tense in slight annoyance. He was not angry, just frustrated. Wyatt pat him and said

Wyatt: "it's okay...those are jerks. Wait was your captain there as well?"

Matthew: "no, just that one teammate and his friends i guess, they were about 4 of them. When I saw that picture...when I saw him smirking as he threatened to hurt my family over a girl I don't even know was so dumb...then he cursed her that's when I lost a bit of control..."

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