That feeling in my chest III: Unspeakable and hidden

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Cassius sat worried on the chair next to Liam's bed. The latter was unconscious but his vitals were stable. He had asked the doctor about what happened. They explained Liam had hit his head worse than they firstly thought. Apparently he had some brain lesions, nothing too bad but enough to be watched with more attention until it heals. They said he might experience some issues with sleeping on his own due to pain so they had to put him in a sort of coma. He will be staying like this for the next week to come and they will frequently look after him to check if anything goes wrong.

Cassius just sighed and looked at him. He had a worried expression yet...he was a bit glad at least it would force Liam to rest like he obviously had to. Cassius hesitated to contact Liam's son, Wyatt. He knew if he did tell him that his father was having such trouble he would want to come here. Missing some few days of school would not kill him but to see his father in such a state could make him stressing.

Cassius knew about Wyatt's treatment, adding his father on his mind to worry would make it worse for him. He breathed as he lie his head on the side and drift asleep.


Matthew was in the kitchen making some boba tea with the ingredients he bought earlier. As he did, he couldn't help but notice Wyatt was having a hard time with his grandma playing with him as if he was a young kid. He was done with the boba tea and called out Maya to take hers. She smiled and leaned her back on the counter as she looked at her brother then at Wyatt.

Maya: "Your friend is cute"

Matthew froze for a second to process what she just said and turned dramatically.

Matthew: "what?"

Maya: "yeah I like his vibe it's silly, and he is quite handsome not gonna lie. (*biting her lip*)"

Matthew looked at his sister and rolled his eyes.

Matthew: "And you should be focused on your school stuff and not boys. But true he is quite cu- cool"

Maya felt her brother's tongue slightly twist at the end but just shrugged. She looked at him and he seemed happier than usual. To say the truth to herself, she knew he was always acting strong and happy but she knew deep down he was probably not. She knew he could be genuine in his way of acting nice but most of the times it was more of a play pretend but during the past few days he seemed genuinely happy.
Even now he was having such a smile, she nudged him playfully and he just rolled his eyes and shoved her a punch playfully. A sudden door opening then closing brought attention to the living room.

The twins rushed there and jumped on the person. It was their mother she seemed kind of in a hurry.

Grace: "why are you not sleeping? Aaron!"

She shouted and Matthew quickly went to her and took the twins off her.

Matthew: "Mom? I thought you would already be at work right now"

Grace: (*sigh*)"I was on my way but I forgot someth-"

While she was talking she noticed Wyatt behind. She turned to Matthew and was a bit surprised. Wyatt quickly rushed and greeted politely.

Wyatt: "Good evening Mrs. Adams, I am Wyatt. I apologize for the late visit"

Matthew: "Mom, Wyatt here is my friend, we were just passing by he helped me carry the groceries"

Grace looked at Wyatt for a second then frowned and crossed her arms.

Grace: "Pizza or burger?"

She asked Wyatt and he seemed confused and answered nervously

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