I hope it lasts forever

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Beep beep beep

Again that same annoying noise he hates to hear every day yet the only sound he still waits for through his nightmares. Wyatt woke up and his face looked drained. He woke up with dry trails of tears. He probably cried in his sleep. It happens sometimes, so he didn’t care about that.

He got up and went straight to the bathroom. Again this mirror, always reflecting the same guy...each day seems worse than the day before. The nightmares are getting worse and the frequency has passed from once a month to two to three times a week. Something is wrong.

He looked at his reflection, his eyes were bloodshot. His nose a bit wet. Was it flu? He took out a Thermometer and checked his temperature, "37.12°C" He sighed in relief. It probably wasn't that bad. He might just be a bit overwhelmed by things he said to himself. He gets under the shower.

After 15min of cleaning the fatigue away, he looked at himself in the mirror again. He was looking better. He brushed his teeth and frown seeing his fur was seriously getting darker on his chest. He just rubbed it a bit. The fur seemed quite softer than the rest of his body. He shrugged it off and got back in the room.

Since he was kinda moody anyway, he decided to wear a white hoodie with a giant red dot on the back as long as some golden Japanese hiragana. He took a black cargo pant and his favorite white sneakers. His pendant still around his neck got his attention. He held it in his hands, squeezing it a bit. He stared at his window. He opened his curtain and met the neighborhood. This same old place didn't change much in years. He sighed and took his backpack and his phone.

He went through the notifications. A text from his father a minute ago. He opened it "Morning Wyy, don't buy lunch, I ordered your favorite sushi from that fancy Japanese restaurant you like so much, love you bye " Wyatt just chuckled and pocketed his phone.

He went out of his house and started his usual journey. After minutes of walking, he was at the Suntaste, ready to order when sirens cries got his attention to the outside.

It was the police and some firetruck. He was confused. Here in this town, there was rarely an incident wild enough to get all of this attention. He took his order and went out the café. He looked in the direction the police went. He widened his eyes, a massive smoke trail from afar.

Something was burning. He was so confused he didn't realize someone was just behind him. It was Lauren.

Lauren: "Hey ! " (*smiling*)

Wyatt jolted in astonishment and almost dropped his coffee. He turned around and saw it was Lauren before saying.

Wyatt: "Damn! You startled me."

Lauren: "yeah you were quite in the clouds (*looking past his shoulder and seeing the smoke in the sky*) okay you were literally in the clouds. What the hell happened ? Hope no one was hurt"

Wyatt: "That's weird right, like in this city, something like a building on fire is quite rare."

Lauren: "we should probably get to class, the police will do its job"

Wyatt: "yeah...you're right"

Wyatt looked one last time at the smoke that was fading, probably because the firemen were already on spot. He exhaled a bit relieved then followed Lauren in the campus.

They walked towards their first class with Pr. Baker and Lauren saw a familiar figure so she started shouting a bit "Hey Flying man" Wyatt looked to whom she was talking to. It was a dragon, the one that guided them during the tour, Akira.

Lauren: "hey buddy, how you doing?" (*greeting with enthousiasm*)

Akira who was actually in mid air, heard that and noticed it was Lauren. He stopped flapping his wings progressively to land just beside her.

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