Doubt II: Weird thoughts

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They entered a big room made of white  tiles. On the left, a big mirror running all the way back to the opposite wall to the entrance. A third wall in the middle of the room cut it in half. On this wall another beautiful mirror and sinks were disposed. On the right side, 6 toilets and 5 urinals.

Wyatt got to a sink and took off his hoodie. He tried pouring some water on the stain while Matthew went to take a leak. Once done the latter washed his hands in another sink and then dried them before getting to Wyatt with an apologetic look and his hands holding each other in anxiety.

Matthew: "Hey man, I'm really sorry" (*looking concerned*)

Wyatt: "it's cool it was an accident. Besides it probably..." (*sighing a bit frustrated*)

Wyatt tried again and again to run some water on the stain but it wasn't coming off no matter how hard he scrubbed. Matthew got closer and his right hand slightly brushes Wyatt's one while getting to the hoodie earning a blush from Wyatt. Matthew turned to him and said "here let me help you" Wyatt was about to protest but he was already scrubbing the stain away with more vigorous movements than Wyatt.

Wyatt: "it went away?!"

Matthew: "I have a big family, I've been used to do laundry. It didn't totally got off but this is the max i can do without damaging the fabric of your hoodie" (*wringing the hoodie from all its water*)

Wyatt looked as the alligator muscles were almost tensing from the actions, he looked at the way the scales glistened while wet and how they seemed to have changed color. Water droplets were running down his bid forearms as he was wringing the hoodie. His eyes narrowed as he focused on this task. His gaze wasn't anything terrifying, it was soft yet quite intimidating. He then turned to an absent minded Wyatt.

Matthew: "Wyatt ?"

Wyatt: "sorry what?"

Matthew: "you've been out or something ? I was saying you can't wear this unfortunately. It's still wet and you will get cold"

Wyatt: "oh huh, (*looking at his reflection and realizing he was not wearing anything underneath that hoodie and now half naked*) oh shoot"

Wyatt quickly tried hiding his chest with his arms by crossing them awkwardly. His ears falling down as he looked at Matthew completely dumbfounded.

Matthew: "huh? What are you doing?"

Wyatt: "hm...I am half naked" (*embarrassed*)

Matthew: "(*chuckles*) It's fine buddy, I don't mind. I do swimming so I am used to say people almost naked (*blushing and scratching his neck awkwardly*) that did came out weird, what i meant was it's fine, there's no one else and huh...(*thinking*) here"

Matthew unbuttoned himself and took off his shirt. Matthew's had a black T-shirt inside apparently. It was quite fascinating to see, the way his scales turned a lighter hue from under his chin to his chest.

His chest was quite toned and his abs quite obvious to sight even through the T-shirt. His entire frame, from his giant shoulders to his muscular back, everything sent out that he was indeed an athlete. Wyatt's breath was taken away by the display, he was confused by what's was the feeling he was having and he thought it was wrong so he just stared blankly as Matthew extended the shirt.

Matthew: "I know it's pretty awkward right now, and since we met like yesterday it sounds even more inappropriate but I don't have any other solutions. You can have my shirt if that's fine with you" (*looking concerned and apologetic*)

Wyatt looked at the shirt then at Matthew.

Wyatt: "you had a T-shirt under that? "

Matthew: "and you had nothing underneath a hoodie? "

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