Sleep over II: Words untold cut deeper than a knife

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Liam was finally allowed to get off his bed and got back on service which he didnot wasting any second. His office was rather messy, boxes full of items, files and whatnot everywhere. He had his screens floating around, he had a hint.

If the one that helped Project W escaped without anyone noticing and if the same person knew about Project B-54, then the person must be someone he knew as well, someone probably from C-Tech. He had names and profiles of every single person working at C-Tech, from the top managers to the cleaners.

There was a lot of people, he didn't let anything slide, whether they were customers from 20 years ago or recent ones, all the suppliers, all the shareholders, all the people or companies that had work with C-Tech for the past 25 years. He went as far as looking for all the events C-Tech held or attended, every person gathered as long as it was related far or not to C-Tech. Liam sighed as the amount of work was behemoth, he used his virtual Assistant, an AI he programmed initially to keep track of his activities. He modified its program so it would be able to reach for all the information he needed. It wasn't until his stomach growled that he realized he hadn't have anything to eat the whole morning.

He spoke in the void. "O.R.I.O.N. estimated time for the research?"
A voice replied, it was his virtual assistant "25 minutes Sir" Liam sighed, after all there were a lot of person implied here...and 25 min would be just for a year of event, still got 25 years of companies activities to go through. Thanks to his high status in the company he had access codes to pretty much everything...almost everything. He looked at a screen in front of him, there was a red cross and a smiley saying "Epsilon, Access denied, authority level insufficient" he frowned, he knew damn well there were only the shareholders that were ahead of him, and he could get their information so what was that authority level for?

He pondered the question and figured perhaps a shareholder could have access to it. But since they decided that Project W should be terminated instead...they won't just help him. He rubbed his forehead in frustration and turned off the screens. He sat in his chair and looked up. He thought of something he could do but that could make him go in serious trouble.

He chuckled ironically, he was already doing something the higher up weren't not aware of, building something to track the electrical perturbation caused by Project W, and going through company's staff profiles and families. He looked at his desk, a picture of his family on the left side, a cup of coffee on the other. He looked at the picture for a while and he rubbed the frame.

A sudden knock at the door made him slip out of his trance.

Liam: "Come in"

He expected it to be Cassius but the small stature of the person made him realize it wasn't. He looked at the male frog walking towards him with a brown suit. Liam got up and went to him.

Liam: " Dr. Seraphim? How surprising to see you here"

Seraphim looked up as the taller wolf and replied with a hint of a French accent.

Seraphim: "Dr. Fael, always a pleasure to see you. I heard you were (*thinking of an appropriate word*) sick lately"

Liam: "sick? Who told you that? (*sigh*) I'm fine thanks. Anyway what are you doing here i thought you were still eating baguettes in Paris"

Seraphim: "Very funny, but no. I was notified about Project W outbreak and was in the middle of a weird phenomenon with Project F, but it got sorted and I took the first plane home. So what is this all about?"

Liam: "I think you will need a seat, my friend"

Seraphim: "Oh bon sang...(*sigh*)"

The two men sat in the little accommodation in the room on the couches. Liam looked very serious, the frog was his colleague and friend for more than 15 years now, he knew better than trusting anyone right now, but the frog was the most sincere man he knew and he could at least be frank about the situation, of course, avoiding anything that could lead the frog to get in undeserved trouble or worse make the frog another potential enemy. The frog's inquisitive eyes were half closed as he looked at Liam.

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