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Standing in front of a huge fence surrounding what seemed to be a fair amount of buildings, Wyatt was amazed by the enormous size of RASAC. One could think that since they don't have so much students, there will be no reason to have multiple buildings. But eventually here is no ordinary college, since most of the courses involve the use of advanced technology tools, it required a whole facility for those.

Wyatt was looking a this gigantic gate made of silver probably Standing at 25 feet tall. He gasped as he remembered he was about to be late, he entered the gate as others like him being a bit in a hurry. "Wow" this word escaped mindlessly from his mouth as he gazed on the surroundings.

Alleyways, paved alleyways going through and surrounding some green islands boarded by flowers trail. Trees with leaves so green it seemed out of this world, the scenery was eerie. He noticed there was some sort of gathering. A crowd made of something like a hundred of people, future students. Wyatt closed the distance and just on time.

The mumbling stopped when a voice roaring like thunder yet soft as a feather was heard. Wyatt like the other students stared at the origin of the sound. It was a tall dark blue scale male dragon. He had some white scales from his lower jaw to his visible chest, also on his inner forearms. He was quite toned, with really defined traits. He had black horns and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a plain black shirt with folded sleeves, exposing his forearms and the first button was unbuttoned. He had navy blue pants abs and sneakers. He had a badge around his neck, his student ID.

He was really happy looking as he smiled before slamming his tail on the ground to get the attention of everyone. Then he unfolded some big wings and started flying above everyone. He then extended his arms and said "Hello everyone and welcome to RASAC, I am Akira Kamisato and I will be your guide for this tour, well actually just one of a team of three. Here are Mitchel Stanford and Lucy Wielders, my teammates" Wyatt looked at the two just presented, Mitchel was an otter with round glasses and Lucy a cheetah with thin features. The two just nodded at what Akira just said.

Akira: "Okay pals, you will be divided into three groups. So when you hear your name please step forth"

Then Akira proceeded to call for the new students and divided them into group A, B and C. A was leaded by Akira, B by Lucy and C by Mitchel. As names were called, "Wyatt Fael" Wyatt jolted as he was focused on the surroundings.  He replied though "Y-yes" Akira looked at him as he landed "This way buddy, you okay?"

Wyatt: "Yeah the view is just amazing i got lost in thoughts"

Akira: "It does that the first time, RASAC is indeed splendid. But hey, we got to visit it. So let's go then"

Wyatt noted and followed the dragon who seemed taller being so close. He was about the same height as Wyatt's father. His tail was waving slightly above the ground, it even had some spikes at the end. Wyatt just followed the dragon as they reached the group.

They all then started walking in the alleyways as Akira was explaining and telling about the various elements they encountered as they went through this tour. The first building was the Art facility, a four stage complex with sky blue and white walls. It had what seemed to be a rooftop and a yard behind.
Akira: "For all of our art courses, this building will be the place. RASAC was built around a century and a half ago by two brothers. The younger one liked the science of imagination, he was the former headmaster of the Art school here. His vision was to live in a world where everyone can paint their life their own way. So here, you will learn pretty much anything you need to know about Arts."

Before he could speak some more, one of the new student raised her hand.

Akira: "questions? Sure, Lauren, was it? "

The student, a female coyote with some interesting black outfit composed of a black leather jacket with a crop top shirt underneath and some cargo pants, made her voice clear.

Lauren: "Yes, I was just wondering if there are courses of foreign languages as well here? "

Akira: "while languages themselves are part of Art school, I got to tell you the languages we study here are basically the most common used in the world, English, Spanish and some Mandarin. But eventually, i think you will find your dreams in the clubs we have here. I will introduce you to the Literature club, they do learn foreign languages there."

Lauren: "okay, thank you"

The girl just went back to her earbuds and listened to her music as she was doing before asking her question. Akira then kept going with his tour and they visited a lot of places, the Green garden, the library, the Tech facility, the observatory, the PE gymnasium and fields, the cafeteria and finally the Main building where everyone will get their badges and school map as long as schedules and keys for those who will be living on campus. Although it wasn't in the tour destinations, there is a dorm facility behind the campus main building.
At the end of the tour, Akira then turned to everyone and talked.

Akira: "okay pals, we are at the end of our tour, i hope you enjoyed the visit and your stay here as students. Don't forget, if you have any worries, you can look for me in the library pretty much every day between 5 and 8 PM. Well, hope you people a nice day, i will leave you in the careful hands of our Headmasters. See ya"

And just like that, he turned to two people and bowed respectfully before flying out. Flight is normally restricted without a permit but in some places the limitation is removed, college is one of those particular areas.

Wyatt was still catching his attention on everything around him and it was getting quite obvious by now that he liked the place since his tail was wagging all the while. He looked at the two people, supposedly the Headmasters. They were golden tigers, quite alike and probably in their mid fifties.

They both had black suits quite defining their tall frames. The one on the left had a cyan blue tie and the other one had a green leaf one. The one with the green tie talked first "Welcome new students of RASAC, I am Armen Reeds, Headmaster of the Tech school" the other one followed "and I am Artem Reeds, Headmaster of the Art school" both then said at the same time "It's our pleasure to meet you and welcome you in our prestigious college, be assured that your years here will be the most beautiful and exciting of your life. You will learn a lot and be our next generation of hope."

Wyatt was kind of out of breath while listening to those two speaking simultaneously, it was both cool and creepy. Then, the Headmasters took some lists of the attendees and waved goodbye while heading to their respective offices.

The Receptionist, a female cat with white fur and a gentle smile as long as gorgeous blue eyes called for everyone and asked them to sit in the hall while she calls for each and everyone to get their stuff.

One by one, people got to her and got badges, schedules, plans and keys for some. Then she called Wyatt and he stumbled as he got up almost falling but luckily didn't.  He then walked towards the reception and she smiled while saying "Hello there Mister Fael, here are your badge, schedules and campus map. Don't forget you can still come here to get further information" with that she smiled as Wyatt thanked her before heading back to his seat while consulting his schedule.

Apparently classes won't start before next week, so he decided to at least visit once more the Art facility. He got up and started walking out the main building. As he went out, he saw that same girl from before heading the same way. He wondered if she was also interested in the Arts.

While walking, his phone buzzed and he took it out. It was some texts from his father "Hey buddy, just making sure your tour was good, assuming you're already done with it, well be safe walking back home and try not to head home too late. Ps: Love and Care, Dad"

Wyatt smiled and chuckled "so goofy" he whispered to himself. He was too focused to realize someone was looking over his shoulder. That person said "Nice dad" Wyatt jolted and almost dropped his phone "excuse me?!" Wyatt said more surprised than annoyed.

It was the girl coyote, the one with the black outfit. She was slightly shorter seeing up close, but definitely charismatic. She smiled and said "Relax, i didn't mean bad. So what you still doing here? Oh yeah, my name is Lauren, Lauren Bridge"

Wyatt: "(*sigh*) quite not what i expected as a first talk with someone here...Wyatt Fael, Nice to meet you" (*extending a fist bump*)

Lauren instantly smiled and fist bumped him back "nice to meet you too"

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