What if...?

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(*sizzling noise*) (*happy humming*)

There was a spicy aroma filling the room, crawling gently in Wyatt nostrils and waking him from his slumber. He sat as he rubbed his eyes open. Lauren was still knocked out on the couch. Matthew was not in the bed and thinking about that made Wyatt remember what happened and part of him was trying to process it.

Perhaps it was a dream, after all it was really dark and he was tired. He heard some noise in the kitchen and got up. He walked towards the room yawning a bit. He almost stopped entirely when he saw Matthew's back. Even through the shirt's fabric, it was wide and built. The fact that he was this tall made him even more imposing. The gator's tail was swaying slowly behind him while he was cooking something. Without turning back he spoke.

Matthew: "Oh morning Wyatt"

The shepherd was startled, he was confused at the gator's guess.

Wyatt: "h-hi...what are you doing?"

The gator turned with a goofy smile and a pan in hand.

Matthew: "Breakfast"

Wyatt: "oh...you didn't have to"

Matthew: "here"

Matthew grabbed something in a plate with his fingers and brought it to Wyatt's mouth which  opened and gobbled it with the tips of Matthew's finger who looked expectantly at the shepherd who was flustered as he started chewing on the mysterious thing. It was a bit hot but not too much. The out layer was crispy yet enjoyable and the inside was melting on the tongue. The rich flavor combined with spices made Wyatt's eyes widened and his tail wag.

Wyatt: "Dang...what's this?"

Matthew: "sounds like you liked it?"

Wyatt: "you bet I did"

Matthew chuckled and turned off the stove before bringing the plate to the island. He sat and called Wyatt over. The latter sat across and looked at the surface, covered with plates of the same thing he tasted, some with other stuff he didn't know any better. There was orange juice but it seemed like it wasn't just that. Wyatt looked at Matthew, puzzled.

Matthew: "so I cooked a little something"

Wyatt: "a little?! That's a feast!"

Matthew: "well (*scratching the back of his neck*) sorry I probably should have asked but I will pay back for everything I used"

Wyatt: "No no I don't mind. I meant you said you cooked little but this is like for giants"

Matthew: "well I think you guys are hungry after such a hungover"

Wyatt: "well, true, I'm starving. What about Lauren?"

Lauren: "what about me?"

Lauren emerged from behind while yawning with a sleepy face.

Lauren: "oooh food"

She smiled tiredly when she saw the breakfast but Matthew had none of it and said.

Matthew: "you could get a shower first, a bath even. Then you can think of tasting my handcrafts"

Lauren: "Bitch you cooked? That's so sexy"

Matthew: "Well, thanks. Now go take a shower you smell like things I don't want to spell before Wyatt"

Wyatt: "She smells like what ? "

Wyatt turned to her and sniffed the air for a second. He didn't realize it at first when he was sleeping because he was thinking about a lot of things but now, it was evident.

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