A moment to think of it

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That evening went by quickly after that little dive. Matthew got to train on various exercises of swimming while Wyatt was on video call working with Lauren and Alex. They were done with the work in almost no time since Lauren was giving bright ideas, Alex was giving a great combination of them and Wyatt was adding the essential plot twist. Matthew did few laps from side to side of the pool while Wyatt who ended the phone call got up and walked towards the pool.

Wyatt: "Matt, I'm done. It's getting late."

Wyatt checked his phone "8:45 PM" Matthew got out of the water in a jump and landed on the hardwood floor next to Wyatt before rubbing his eyes a bit.

Matthew: "really? Sorry I didn't see the time"

Wyatt: "it's okay, I was busy too so I didn't see it pass either. We should get going"

The weather was rather chilly. October was clearly announcing fall. Wyatt lifted his head up as Matthew was getting showered again. He looked at the sky. It was quite clear tonight, he could see the stars and the milky way. It was a beautiful purple and deep blue paint in the sky. The dome was now completely invisible in the night. The lights on the fence were on, giving the place enough lighting to keep it clear and nice to be. The pool also seemed to have lights at the bottom, as it was glowing underneath like there was a whole other secret world underneath the surface. Somehow it made Wyatt chuckle.

He had a glimpse of that hidden place. He alway thought nothing much about pools and the ocean but once he saw what Matthew showed him underneath the agitated surface. He felt curious, admirative even. It was like he met with a whole new world ready to be explored. He remembered the sensation of being totally submerged. The silence almost soothing and Matthew's body.

He frowned at the thought and while he did, he remembered that part. He was in Matthew's arms, he couldn't hear anything but he sure could feel his heartbeat. It was slow, and rhythmic going in harmony with the surrounding background noise of water rustling. And then the moment Matthew looked at him before they went up. That very moment he could see Matthew's eyes from a new angle and lighting. They were glistening and his pupils were looking at him with such intensity yet no malicious intent. He found himself blushing while remembering that.

Somehow it reminded him of his brother. They used to go for a swim at a lake during summer camp. His brother would show him around the woods and the wonders of the vast lake, but he never dared to enter the water. His brother was a born swimmer, so he would look at him swim for hours before they had to head back to camp. It was one of his good memories about him.

He missed him a lot, life was so less fun without him. His father was too busy and even when not, it was barely for moments...ephemeral moments. It saddened him and he decided to brush it off, focusing on the colors he saw today. It was beautiful and he internally thanked Matthew for showing him that. Just at that moment, a voice made him jolt.

Matthew: "Hey there buddy. Gazing at the stars (*looking up*) they sure are beautiful. Did you believe that somewhere up there there might be other beings?"

Wyatt chuckled and looked at Matthew before looking up again.

Wyatt: "I don't know, it's possible. What do you think they could be like?"

Matthew: "(*thinking*) probably less fur, humanoids, maybe they have extra limbs or something. Or maybe they are like the movies. People with super strenght and flight abilities (*chuckle*) It's so sparkling"

Wyatt turned his head to look at Matthew's eyes, the reflection of stars in it made them even more beautiful. Wyatt stared as if looking at a new galaxy shaped by the stars and the alligator eyes patterns. Matthew looked the side and noticed Wyatt looking.

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