Some heavy backstories ahead

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Emma was casually following her course with Pr. Reth when she received a text. She glanced at the lecturer then quickly took it out. She wen through the notifications and got on the text. Her eyes widened in fear as she started panting a bit. Her heart was beating fast in her chest. She didn't reply but then got another notification. This time it was a picture. She gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. She glanced at the lecturer who was focused on explaining something on the white screen he was projecting. She then read the text that was below the picture. Her eyes started to water as she slowly raised her hand.

Pr. Reth: "Miss Woods?"

She gulped before saying

Emma: "M-May I...I wish to get out please "

Pr. Reth: "(*sigh*) it's still the first days anyway, go,  but don't take too long, this course is important" (*slightly rolling his eyes before continuing with his lesson*)

Emma left her bag and everything else but her phone. She proceeded to walk across the room and get out, ignoring the comments made.

She took out her phone again, another text "Tic tac tic tac" she sped up seeing this and got out the facility. When she saw a little group of three students walking in her direction she quickly stepped back and downed her hoodie to hide her face. She glanced and for a split second, her eyes met with the female coyote that kept joking with others. Emma recognized those three from earlier but didn't focus on them as they entered the library. 

She made her way to the gates and went out without the guards noticing.  Her small features were quite handy to sneak out despite her big hoodie. As she made her way few steps from the main entrance, she spotted what she went out for.

A car, a black jeep. Her guts almost turned inside out in recall. She knew this car, she despised it. She hated everytime she had to get in it, and worse having to deal with what's inside. Or more precisely who she had to deal with. She approached the car cautiously as the dark window of the driver side got down.

There, was a male german shepherd with black fur and some few brown parts around the cheeks and the neck. He had a stern look with his amber eyes, he seemed to be wasted but that was just his natural appearance. He made a movement with his eyebrow and Emma hurried to get in the passenger side next to him. She had her face looking down, her hoodie still on. He got his window up again and said in tone that made Emma shiver in fear.

"Take off your clothes"


Matthew was walking through the shelves while Lauren and Wyatt were looking for Akira. Matthew told them that he was looking for a book concerning his morning class, something called "Maestro V". They didn't ask what that was about and looked around the various desks, sofas and small study booths.  Then Lauren noticed a big pair of wings she recognized almost immediately and ran towards their owner in pure delight. Wyatt just followed her, walking. Lauren got to the side of a desk where Akira was reading something on his computer. He had a cup of coffee next to it and some cookies. He also had his headphones down, lying next to his phone. He didn't noticed her presence until she said joyfully "Hello There, you good?"with a bright smile.

He heard and turned to look at her and Wyatt who got there just in time.

Akira: "Hey there kids"

Wyatt: "Hi Akira senpai"

Akira: "(*chuckling*) you probably are the first to call me like that. Here, students don't really have that much respect as to add senpai, that or they probably aren't such knowledgeable as you, Wyatt san"

Wyatt: "I mean, sounds like I'm just being awkward with that"

Lauren: "If I say a word here, you will probably want to slap me in the face"

Wyatt: "please don't, you've already won for today, hadn't you? "

Lauren: "True, but i can still overkill"

Akira: (*chuckling*)"Not sure I want to know what all this is about but anyway, please take a sit. Huh (*looking around and confused*) You said on text, that you guys were three" (*looking at Lauren*)

As they sat down, Lauren replied "Oh yeah, the last one is on his way, just fetching a book"

Akira: "okay, while we wait for him, why don't you tell me how you've found the movie"

Wyatt: "I huh"

Lauren: "Dude, let's be honest we didn't watch it sorry. Although for me the intrigue was well written by you guys, it was a bit boring. And The other weren't even there for most of the movie.

Wyatt: "which is still a part I can't understand, we went for the restroom around 45min or more of the movie then we took what i thought was 15 min max, but apparently it was way more than that since we got back for the remaining 5 or more min."

Lauren: "Bro, if you were pooping just say it, i won't say a word (*chuckling then grinning*)"

Wyatt: (*blushing in embarrassment*) "No Lauren, I was not pooping..."

Akira laughed and held his head with his hand before saying "you guys should be thespians " he kept laughing then Lauren said "a what now?"

"Thespian, just a fancy word to say Actor." Matthew said as he got to them.

Akira: "Correct, you must be Matthew Adams"

Matthew: "yes, that's me"

Matthew sat next to Wyatt as he dropped his book on the table. Akira looked and smiled

Akira: "I see, Pr. LaCroix right?"

Matthew: "Yeah, she got us look for this and read it to complete our understanding on basics She is teaching"

Akira: "But that's the fifth volume"

Matthew: "I'm not new to this book series. I read the first two back when i was in middle school and the third last year. I read the fourth about a week or two before the tour of RASAC."

Akira: "so proactive, that's the spirit. You must be knowing what you aim for then, that's good."

Matthew: "Thanks"

Wyatt: "what's this book even about, the cover is so fancy"

Wyatt looked at the book that had gold frames and an unusual white color. It seemed old.

Matthew: "Music"

Lauren: "music?"

Akira: "Surely if said like that it seemed quite plain, it's actually a series of books about how to make soothing masterpiece. They were written centuries ago by a french classical composer. He explained all of his discoveries in the art of sound and how he achieved every known sound and how to make them fluctuate in order to produce melodies. One of the best series you can find that teaches you all that"

Wyatt: "Didn't know music could go this hard, damn"

Matthew: (*chuckling*)" It can, Music is one the best ways to express inner thoughts and feelings, thus is one of the 4 principles great Arts"

Lauren: "like bitch, K-pop has a soul to it. Omg all of my husbands are waiting for me there (*giggling*)"

Wyatt: "Ignoring the nonsense for now, let's talk about that movie please"

Lauren: (*pinching Wyatt*) "so (*looking at Akira with flirty eyes and biting her lower lip*) you like to show off your body huh ?"

Akira just stared at her and was so embarrassed he took a sip of coffee and looked to the side.

Akira: "Well, I was really willing to do my best for the bachelor so...yeah I had to go unexpectedly towards that"

Lauren: "Don't worry man, i liked what i saw."

Wyatt: "Stop flirting with him, we need to focus here"(*pinching Lauren*)

She yelped as Akira just laughed. He pushed the plate of cookies to them and started his tale about how and why he and his teammates chose that story and how they did it. It was about to be a really long one.

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