Caitlin Jenner

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Okay, we all know how I feel about the LGBT community. I've seen so much hate directed toward Caitlin and honestly, it makes me sick. It isn't your life, its hers, so back off. If she feels better as a woman, for god's sake let her be just that! All of these people who are bagging on her literally have nothing else to do with their free time. Its sick.

People tell me that they are aloud to have an opinion, and I will always respect other people's opinions. You can ask anyone I know in real life, and they will tell you I always listen to every point of view even if I do not agree. But once your opinion starts bagging on someone else's existence is where I draw the line. Everybody has the right to live their life the way they want to. Its our natural right. I was taught in history this year that we have a natural right to life and liberty. If you have a natural right to live, that means you can live the way you want to live. And liberty means freedom. Freedom of speech, and religion, and expression. We have the freedom to love who we want to love, and be who we want to be. And if that just so happens to be changing your gender, so be it. If you're happy you have nothing to worry about.

My parents were talking about it while I was doing dishes today. They were bagging on her. It made me sick. It made me feel ashamed. If it doesn't effect your existence, leave it alone!

I have a challenge for all of you who read. I want everybody to share this on any social network sight you have. Facebook, instagram, twitter, Wattpad, anything. Anywhere someone will listen to you. I want you to spread this around. I want people to look at this and hopefully change their minds about this. People need to stop bagging on the LGBT community and realize that we are all the same. We all have the same things on the inside. We all have brains, stomachs, and hearts. So use your brain, and tell your heart that bagging on someone else's existence is wrong. Get up the guts and push down your pride. Share this with anyone who will listen

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