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I decided to look up the definition of gender and this is what I got.

. noun

1. A grammatical category, often designated as male, female, or neuter, used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms. 2. The fact of being classified as belonging to such a category. agreement in gender, number, and case.

3. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.

The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)

The last definition is my favorite. Gender isn't about what you were born as, its about how you choose to be. If you're a girl, and want to be a guy, do it! If you're a guy and want to be a girl, have fun! If you don't want to be either, that's cool! If you want to be both, that's awesome! Gender isn't about what you were born as. Gender is about what you feel that you are. All of these transgender people are simply being who they are, so don't bag on them. If you get to be who you are, they should have that same opportunity.

You just keep being you, and have fun. Life is too short to be worrying about what people think of you.

We are human

We make mistakes

We love when we should hate

We hate when we should love

We have the freedom to express ourselves

We have the freedom to love who we want to love

We can love the same gender

We can love the opposite gender

We can love both

We can love neither

We can be female

We can be male

We can be both

We can be neither

All of that adds up to being human

And being human, is great

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