I'm back!

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Hello! As of yesterday I am home from vacation! I had so much fun! I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Harry Potter, Marvel, and little kid things like Dr. Seuss, so this place was basically heaven for me! We drove the 16 hour car ride there, and we split it up between two days. One day was 10-11 hours, and the other was 5-6. I was shoved into the very back of the car where our suit cases went, because I am the smallest. I started, and finished a 500 page book in that span of time in the car. I also listened to music, and slept A LOT.

So my favorite ride at Universal had to be either The Forbidden Journey, or the Ripride Rockit Roller Coaster. The Forbidden Journey was a Harry Potter ride that took you through a bunch of scenes like you were in that scene. The only part that I didn't like about it were the giant, fake spiders. I hate spiders, and seeing spiders that have eyes bigger than my head is creepy. Plus the biggest one spits at you. It was gross. The Ripride Rockit Roller Coaster was one that I chickened out of the first time around. It goes literally straight up, but not straight down. Most people have a problem with the down part of roller coasters, I have a problem with the going up part. I  don't know why, I just do. But the coaster was really fun when I did decide to ride it! I'll attach a picture of it to the chapter.

The hotel we stayed at was beautiful! It was themed like Italy, and the rooms were amazing. Outside there was a beautiful lake that ducks swam in, and the hotel itself looked so awesome!

Like I said, I love Harry Potter. All of the things I bought there was Harry Potter themed. I got a Hufflepuff t-shirt, a Hufflepuff lanyard, a Hufflepuff prefect badge, a headgirl badge, a golden snitch, a chocolate frog, pumpkin juice,  every flavor beans, a Weasley's Wizard Weazes t-shirt, a wand, and butterbeer. Butterbeer is amazing by the way!

My favorite thing about the trip was probably the train ride on the Hogwarts Express. It. Was. AWESOME. It was like you were actually on the train!!!

It did rain a lot in the evening. Twice while we were eating dinner it started pouring.

Also, something very big happened yesterday, as you all know. GAY MARRIAGE WAS LEGALISED IN ALL 50 USA STATES! I'm changing my profile picture soon so make sure to look at it! It will be my beautiful wife, Morgen and me in rainbow!

Finally LOVE WON!

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