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Today is my first day at my new job

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Today is my first day at my new job. I am so excited but also nervous. I haven't worked in a place like this before.

The only job I've ever had was at a strip club. And that wasn't the best, it paid good, sometimes, but still. I hated showing my body off like that.

My job is to work the register, ring people's items up. We sell different soaps, which seems boring but is actually pretty cool. There's new soaps like every week and it's fun to see all the different ones.

Bonus, it smells amazing in here! We also sell vegan skincare products here. All of the stuff is vegan at Lucias skincare. Which is good I guess.

I work with one other girl, her name is, Aria. She is really pretty. She's nice as well. She's training me. She has to for the first week I am here and then I am on my own.

I'm currently helping her restock some bar soap. They all smell so good I want to take a bite out of one. I'd most likely get fired on my first day so I refrain myself. Also I don't think soap would taste good.

The bell rings, which means someone walked in the store. I greet them with a smile.

"Hi, welcome to Lucias Skincare. I'm Victoria, do you need help finding anything today?" I say.

The lady smiles, "I'm just gonna look, if I need help I will be sure to find you."

"Okay." I say, walking behind the counter.

I look at Aria with a worried look on my face, "Did I do that good?"

She smiles, "Yes! Don't be so scared. You are doing perfect!"

I nod, "Thanks."

Aria has dark brown hair with brown eyes. She is very beautiful.

Five hours past and it's time for me to go home.

The shop is about two miles from the hotel, so it's a long walk but not that long.

I need to get a bus pass or something.

Once I get back to the hotel my feet's are killing me.

I plop down on the bed and kick my shoes off.

I decide to eat a granola bar I grabbed from the hotel lobby when they were serving breakfast, also a green apple.

I watch some Lifetime movie that's playing that ends up making me cry.

I am super emotional with movies.

I take a shower and do all the stuff to get myself ready for bed.

It's 10:27 when I fall asleep.


I am at work again, Aria is taking her break so I'm on my own right now.

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