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I wake up in Emiliano's arms

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I wake up in Emiliano's arms. His big arms are wrapped around me and his face is buried in neck. I'm laying on his chest.

I don't want to ever get up. I'm so comfortable.

Last night, I had another nightmare. And Emiliano heard me scream. So he stayed in the bed with me. Holding me. Making me feel safe.

I never fall back asleep when I have a nightmare because I know I will have another one,

But I didn't last night. It's kind of weird.

I hate Emiliano. He's a selfish, self absorbed, and a douche. I don't why I let him sleep with me.

Both of the sleep meanings.

We made a deal. I think we should call it off. It's not right.

I try to slip out of his arms, but he tightens his grip.

"Emiliano, I have to pee. Let go." I whine.

"No." He groans in his sleepy voice.

His voice is so hot.

I shake that thought out of my head, "Let me go or else I will pee on you!"

He's let's out a disapproving noise then let's go.

I mosey out of the room and find the bathroom in this big ass house of his.

I do my business and wash my face with just plain water.

When I return to the room, Emiliano isn't there anymore.

I call out for him, "Emiliano?"

No response.

"Emiliano!?" I say louder.

Again, no response.

I look around and can't find him anywhere.

Did he leave?

I grab my phone and call Vanessa.

She answers quickly, "Hi babes!"

"Hi." I reply. "Can you send me your brothers number?"

"Ahh! Of course!" She squeals out of excitement.

I thank her and we say bye. She sends me his number and I call him.

He doesn't pick up. I'm starting to worry now.

He's probably fine.

I call him again.

He doesn't pick up.

Okay now I am really starting to worry.

I'm in his house. In a city I don't know my way around. I have no car. And my phone is at two percent.

I call him once again.

This time he actually does pick up, "Who the fuck is this?"

"It's me, Victoria." I say.

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