twenty five

326 2 1

"Get your ass up

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"Get your ass up." Is how Emiliano chose to wake me up this morning.

I whine and cover my face with the blanket, "Noo! I don't want to."

"Now, Victoria." He says.

I sit up and once I do, a shooting pain exists in the lower part of my body. "Oww!"

"Are you okay?" Emiliano asks, sitting next to me.

I hide my face in his shoulder, "It hurts."

I hear him laugh, "I think I did my job then."

I hit his stomach lazily, "You aren't even funny."

"I'll get you something." He says, "Just wait here."

He leaves and then comes back with two pills and a glass of water.

"Here." He hands them to me.

I take the pills, washing them down with some water.

"Hey, I'm leaving today." Emiliano announces, "I need to handle.. business."

I frown, "How long will you be gone?"

"A week at most." He says, "I'll make it up to you when I get back."

"I guess that's fine." I say, "I am moving in with Vanessa anyways so that'll give me some time to get situated there."

"Wait." Emiliano shakes his head, "You are moving in with my sister?"

"Yeah? Is that a problem?" I ask.

"I thought you were moved in with me." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "We never talked about moving in together."

"Well no we didn't but you have been staying here since we got back." He says. "You've gotten pretty situated here."

I frown, "Well, I didn't really have anywhere else to go. And I thought you knew this wasn't permanent."

He scoffs, "You thought I knew this wasn't permanent? When people get into a relationship, they usually communicate things like moving in with someone else! Of course I thought this was permanent! You were literally talking about wanting to get married and shit when I got shot. What happened to all of them bullshit?"

"I did want that!" I raise my voice a little bit, "I still do! But not right now. I want to enjoy life a little first."

He rolls his eyes, "And you can't do that if you live here?"

"I'm not saying that. You aren't even listening to me!" I say.

"No I am not! Because you're talking bullshit!" He yells.

"Stop yelling at me." I say.

He sighs and walks out of the room.

I know he's mad. And I know I should have explained our situation more. But still he doesn't need to throw a hissy fit about it. He could talk like an adult.

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