twenty two

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When we arrive back in Italy, I get scared

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When we arrive back in Italy, I get scared. Well more nervous than scared, really. I know I am going to have to give everyone an explanation as to why I left.

But I can't think of myself right now because Emiliano is in pain. I can tell. He is a little sweaty and keeps making low grunting noises.

When we get out of the plane he just stops to take a minute.

"You need to go to the hospital here." I say.

"No." He refuses. "I'm fine."

"You just got shot," I remind him, "You aren't fine,"

"Victoria stop." He says.

I grab his hand, "Please?"

He sighs, "I have a nurse that can come to my house and help me."

I nod, "Okay. Let's hurry to the car, you shouldn't be walking."

We walk to the car and when he gets in, he doesn't buckle his seatbelt. Which worries me but I know it'll hurt him if he does.

He lays his head on my shoulder and I just play with his hair.

His hair is actually very soft.

When we get to his house I help him inside and take him to his room.

He lays on his bed.

"What can I do to help?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "Nothing. Just lay with me."

I hesitate, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Please, baby. I want you close to me." He says.

I get into bed with him, making sure not to hurt him.

"Get closer." He orders.

I scoot closer to him and he pulls me all the way to him so our bodies are touching.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask.

"No." He says. "The nurse should be here soon."

I nod, "Okay."

"Vanessa and Alessio will be here tomorrow." He says.

"Vanessa knows we are out here?" I ask.

"No." He laughs, "I only told Alessio. If Vanessa knew she would want to come over immediately."

I nod knowing that is true, she would.

The nurse comes in and changes his dressing. She also gives both of us pain medication.

Emiliano falls asleep after a while.

I decide to get out of bed.

I should let my friends know I am okay.

At least Etta and Louie since Emiliano said he already handled Alessio and Vanessa.

I write a little note saying where I am just in case Emiliano wakes up when I am gone.

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