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I wake to the sound of screaming

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I wake to the sound of screaming.

It's Victoria. I quickly get up and run to her.

She's sitting up in the bed crying into her knees.

I hear her whispering to herself, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She doesn't know i'm here.

I slowly walk up to her, I lightly touch her leg. She flinches and meets my gaze.

"I didn't mean to scare you." I tell her, "I heard you scream."

She wipes her tears, but they keep coming down her face, "Just a bad dream. I'm fine you can go back to bed."

"Don't lie to me, Victoria. What's wrong?" I push.

"It was a bad dream, Emiliano. Really i'm fine." She tries to convince me.

But she fails.

"Nobody that starts fucking screaming and crying is fine." I say.

She sighs, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Then say that. Don't sit there and fucking lie to me, Victoria." I scolded.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Go back to sleep, alright?" I tell her.

"I can't." She says.

I sigh and decide to crawl into the bed with her.

"What are you-," She starts.

"Just shut the fuck up and go to sleep." I interrupt her.

"I'll just have another nightmare. I don't want to." She says.

Her eyes are still filled with tears but nothing is falling down her face.

I know I am going to regret this but, I stretch my arm out.

She looks at me hesitantly for a little before she decides to crawl over and cuddle into my side.

My arm wraps around her, my hand resting on her lower back.

"Sleep." I order.

"I'm scared." She admits.

"I'll be right here. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as I am here." I console her.

She just nods her head as if she's saying 'okay'.

After some time, her breathing starts getting deeper. I watch the gentle rise and fall of her chest. I look at her face.

Her eyes are closed. Her eyelashes long. She is without a doubt beautiful.

Earlier I found myself feeling a way I can't describe.

I have never fucked anyone is my own house before.

She's the first.

I don't know why I did. But I did.

And I do not regret it.

I know I don't like her. I mean she is beautiful and really good in bed, but she's a brat.

Way to stubborn, always rolls her eyes and giving an attitude.

It's just something about her is different from the other girls I have had sex with in the past.

I never want any other guy to lay a finger on her. Never want another guy touching her the way I did tonight. Or in anyway at all for that matter.

I don't know why my sister wanted us to go out so bad. She knows I don't date. She knows I can't. I won't.

Vanessa knows who we really are. What we really do.

We are killers.

We kill people, and torture them, without giving it a second thought.

Those who deserve it of course.

I took over the Mafia when my father passed away.

He and my mother passed away one year apart from each other.

That's why Vanessa is so out to make friends. She wants to take her mind off of everything.

Her friendships have never lasted more than a week because, as she likes to say, "They are boring, everyone is so fucking boring I don't think there is one cool person in this town."

That was until she met Victoria. I think this is the longest she's had a friend. Even though it's only been a few months, they are very close and care deeply about one another.

I don't think Victoria would be able to handle the truth.

She may put on a strong front but I know deep inside, is just a girl who wants to be loved.

And I know i'm not the right person.

She deserves someone who doesn't kill. Someone normal.

But the more I think about anyone else laying their filthy hands on her, I get more and more mad.

I don't want anyone else to have her, but I know I can't have her.

She lets out a soft sleepy sound and cuddles in closer to me.

I move the hair out of her face and start gently stroking her hair.

She sits up a little bit and for a second I think I woke her up but she just lays her head on my chest, placing her hand on my stomach.

My hand is still resting on her lower back.

I hate her. I don't why I am being nice to her.

I know something bad happened in her nightmare.

It looked and sounded like it was a very traumatic memory.

And the sight of her sitting on the bed, sobbing, did something to me.

I hated seeing her cry.

It's not the first time i've seen her cry. I see her cry over movies with my sister all the time. She even cries over the death of the dogs on movies.

But tonight was way different. Because she was in actual pain and distress.

She wouldn't tell me what was wrong which tells me nothing has changed.

She still doesn't like me and doesn't trust me.

Which is good, I don't want things to change between the two of us just because we are having sex now.

I don't know how long I am sitting in the dark with Victoria in my arms before I fall asleep.


i did a chapter in emiliano's pov for the first time!! who's pov do you prefer?

victoria or emiliano?

it's fun to write emiliano's but is easier to write victoria's because uhhh i have no clue what men think.

also i think this chapter is kind of cute, hopefully not cringey.



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