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I fucked up

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I fucked up. I know I did. I need to make things right. I need to make sure she's okay. I need to make sure she knows I didn't mean to hurt her. I need her to know I am trying to protect her from getting hurt.

I am not the type of guy that should get into a relationship. It's to dangerous for whoever I am dating.

I have never wanted to get into a relationship.

Not until Victoria.

I'm still not sure if I actually do want to or if it's just the heat of the moment thing but I do know I feel something for her. I just don't know what.

She is a pain in my ass. She annoys me. But when she's not here to annoy me, I feel weird. Like I miss her or something. But I don't miss her. Do I?

I decide to go to her place. I need to talk to her, make things right.

I have my drivers take me to her hotel and when I get there I knock but nobody answers the door. I try to open the door but it's locked.

I decide to go to the hotel office and ask them for a key to her room but they say something that shocks me.

"Miss Victoria just left earlier. She said she is moving away but she didn't give us much detail why." The lady at the front desk says.

"Did she tell you where she was going?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No. I'm sorry. Maybe miss Etta will know. They were close. Or if not Etta, maybe Louie. I know they hung out a lot."

She gives me those peoples room numbers and I decide to go to Etta first.

I knock on the door and an old woman open the door, "Hello? Posso aiutarla?"

"Sì, in realtà, sto cercando Victoria. Le persone in ufficio hanno detto che se n'è andata e che potresti sapere dov'è." I say.

She shakes her head, "I don't know where Victoria is. She never told me she was leaving."

I give her a small smile, "Okay. Well thanks anyway."

I go down and ask this Louie dude but he is clueless as well. Apparently him and Victoria were friends or something, whatever.

Maybe Vanessa knows. The drives take me to the family house and I see Vanessa and Alessio cuddled up together on the couch.


I throw a pillow at them and they jump up.

Vanessa glares at me, "What they fuck E?"

"Where's Victoria?" I ask.

She gives me a confused look, "I don't know. I actually thought she was with you. You know, maybe getting some.."

I cringe, "Vanessa!"

"What? Y'all both left at the same time. I thought y'all went to go fuck or something!" She admits.

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