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I wake up, covered in sweat

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I wake up, covered in sweat. Another nightmare. They have gotten worse since I moved from Italy. It's like Isaac doesn't want me to forget him.

I already changed and am trying to forget everything about my old life in America. Isaac probably thinks I want to forget him as well and is haunting me for it. But how could I? We were best friends for years. He was the only one who stood by me and tried to help as I fell into my addiction. He supported me through everything, even when everyone else abandoned me. So, how could I forget him? How could I forget the person who made me want to stay on this earth a little bit longer.

I couldn't.

Not ever.

It's four in the morning so I take a shower so I don't smell then I sit in my bed and watch TV for a while.

The day passes and soon it's six. I am wearing my dress with some cheap heels I also bought yesterday. I have just a little bit of makeup on.

I hear a knock at my door and open it to see Emiliano.

I swallow, "Hi."

He's looking into my hotel.

I look down, embarrassed because of where I live.

He lightly touches my chin, causing me to look up at him.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod and we walk to his car.

Of course, he's not driving but the drivers are.

The car ride is silent.

Soon we get to a fancy looking restaurant.

As we walk inside I tense up. The place is gorgeous. And very fancy. And not at all affordable. I only have about forty bucks on me.

We sit down and very soon a waiter walks up to us, "Hello Mr. Romano, and..?"

"Victoria." I fill in.

"Victoria right, could I get you started on any drinks or appetizers?"

We order our drinks but no appetizer. I don't really finish my food so if I were to eat an appetizer, chances are I wouldn't eat my actual dish.

"How'd you and my sister meet?" Emiliano breaks the awkward silence between the two of us.

I'm fidgeting with a napkin, "My work."

"Why'd you get scared to tell me where you lived?" He questions.

"What are you interrogating me or something?" I laugh.

"No," He murmurs, "Just trying to get to know my date better."

My face heats up, "Well I live in a hotel meanwhile you live in a mansion. I guess I thought you would look down on me or something."

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