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I need to go get Emiliano

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I need to go get Emiliano. There is nothing else for me to do. I have to. I can't have someone else die because of me. I can't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Emiliano dies.

I put my shoes on and catch a taxi. I don't have much money but luckily I had enough to pay for the taxi.

They take me a street down from the address Kyle told me to go to. I didn't want the. to know exactly where I was going.

So I walk the rest of the way. When I get there, I fling the door open and I am met by five pairs of eyes. All people I know.

Kyle, Rio, Oscar, Simon, and Emiliano.

Emiliano is tied up on a chair. He looks exhausted.

I don't doubt that he tried to fight them off of him.

Kyle gives me an evil smile, "Hello Victoria. Oh I missed your beautiful face."

I glare at him, "What do you want from me?"

"I want my money." He says.

"Okay! I will give it to you just please, please, let him go!" I plead.

He shakes his head, "No. Not until I have my money."

"I will pay you. I just need to talk to my men so they can transfer the money into your account." Emiliano speaks up.

Kyle smiles, "Wow. It must be love. You are willing to pay for this little junkies debt."

"Talk about her like that again, and I will kill you." Emiliano threatens.

"You are tied up. How will you kill me?" Kyle asks.

"Just stop. Please let him do what he needs to do so we can leave." I say.

Kyle motions for Rio to step forward. Rio does. He asks Emiliano for his men's number so Emiliano can speak to them.

Emiliano gives it to them and they call him, putting the phone on speaker.

Emiliano tells them to transfer the money into Kyle's account. And then Rio hangs up the phone. Soon, a little ping echoes from Kyles phone.

He smiles, "Well done."

"Now let him go!" I say.

Rio, Oscar, and Simon, have left the room.

Kyle unties Emiliano. But then he shoots him in the stomach.

He shoots him.

A scream rips from the throat as I run over to Emiliano who is now fallen to the floor.

"No, no no no no!" I cry.  "Please you can't die! Please. You can't leave me to."

I glare at Kyle, "You got your money! What the fuck was the for?"

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