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He pins me to the couch holding me down as I try to fight him off

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He pins me to the couch holding me down as I try to fight him off. "Get off of me!" I cry.

He laughs and it sounds almost demonic, "Just stay still. It'll feel good once you stop fighting."

I kick, and I punch, and I scream but it's useless.

There are men hovering above me.

Just as I think it's hopeless, Isaac, walk in and starts punching the guys. "Get the fuck off of her!"

The all get distracted by him and I take the time to run away.

I am about to run outside when I hear a gun get loaded.

I turn around and a bullet goes straight through Isaac's head.

A scream leaves my mouth.

All their heads turn to me.

I run outside, and I find a place to hide.

I don't know how long I am hiding before I come out.

I go back inside the house after making sure everyone is gone.

I see Isaac's lifeless body laying in a pool of blood.

I drop to my knees beside him, "No! No!"

"Isaac." I sob. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry."

Someone begins shaking my body and I wake up.

Only then do I realize I had a nightmare.

Vanessa is sitting next to, her face full of worry, "What happened?"

"He's dead." I cry, "I killed him!"

She pulls me into a hug, "You didn't kill anyone. It was just a nightmare."

I cling onto her, "No. It was real. He died. It's my fault."

"Who died?" She asks.

"Issac." I sob. "He was my best friend."

I explain the rest of the story to her and she just holds me as I tell her and cry.

"It's okay." She says, "It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was." I look at her. "He died trying to save me."

"It wasn't your fault. He was trying to save you from those disgusting pigs." She says. "It's their fault not yours."

My body is still shaking. "I miss him so much."

Her eyes are glossy, "I know you do. You'll be okay though."

I shake my head, "He keeps reminding me. He's not letting me forget this horrible memory."

She frowns, "Do you want me to call Emiliano?"

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