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I found out Emiliano didn't cheat on me

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I found out Emiliano didn't cheat on me. And his parents are alive. I remember him telling me he had to take over the mafia once his dad died. I feel so bad for him.

I want to be mad at him, for lying, for breaking my heart, but I can't.

Right now, we are in his bed, in his house.

It's been a month since we got back together, and I am so happy.

I'm laying on his chest, "Emiliano?"

"Hm?" He hums.

"I never asked you this. And you don't have to answer," I say, "But how do you feel about your parents being alive?"

His body tenses up, "I don't know."

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine." He sighs, "But I actually don't know how to feel. I mean I was happy at first but now I am angry they lied to me. Lied to Vanessa. I'm confused about all of it. I know I have to punish them, Vanessa wants to as well. We just don't know how. We can't kill them since they are our parents, even though they were the best."

"How was it like growing up?" I ask.

"Shit." He says, "My dad was abusive, and my mom just sat back and did nothing. If anything she probably thought I deserved it."

I frown, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, my sweet girl." He pushes a piece of stray hair behind my ear, "They weren't exactly abusive to Vanessa but they still weren't parents of the year for her either."

I kiss his forehead, "You guys didn't deserve that."

"How was your childhood?" He asks.

"My parents abused me, at least when I wasn't in school." I say. "But when I was in school they'd punish me in different ways like starving me or making me stay outside in the freezing cold. And then they'd just beat me when I was on breaks on stuff. That's also why I started doing drugs."

"We will be better parents then ours were." He says.

I smile, "You want kids?"

"If you want them." He says.

"I do! I want eight kids!" I joke.

His eyes widen, "Okay maybe not that much."

I laugh, "I'm kidding. Maybe like two or three."

"That's better." He says.

"Stand up." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"I want to try something." I say, getting off the bed.

"Is it a sex thing?" He smirks.

"No." I feel my face heat up, "Just come on, please."

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