twenty four

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We go shopping

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We go shopping. I don't get much since I hate spending other people's money.

Once we get back to the house, Emiliano is not there.

"Do you think he's mad?" I ask.

Vanessa shakes her head, "No. He hates being here, especially alone. He likes his house."

I nod, "Can I go to his house?"

"Yeah." Vanessa says, "One of the drives can take you."

"What if he's not there tho?" I ask.

"If he's not then you can come back here." She says, "Or I can text him."

"No it's okay" I murmur, "I'll just go over there."

"Okay." Vanessa hugs me, "Bye! I'll see you soon!"

I say my goodbyes then the drivers take me to Emiliano's house.

I just walk inside the house.

"Emiliano?" I call out.

No response.

He's probably not home.

I sigh and am about to walk out but he comes down the stairs.

"Hi." I smile.

He walks over to me, "I think you need to be punished for earlier, don't you think."

I suddenly can't breathe, "No,"

"No? Why not?" He asks.

"Because.." I don't know a good answer to him so I just don't answer.

"Do you want to change your answer?" He tilts his head slightly.

"Yes." I breath out.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I should be punished." I whisper.

"Follow me." He says.

I follow him up to his room, my heart pounding in my chest the entire time.

I'm not exactly scared of what he's going to do. I'm just nervous, and aroused.

I know he would never hurt me which is why I am not scared.

As we get closer to his room and get more nervous, but the excitement of what he's going to do pushes the nervousness away.

When we get to the room he orders me to take off all of my clothes and lay on the bed.

I obey his orders.

"Ass up in the air." He adds.

I stick my butt up in the air, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

He walks up to me, his fingers trailing over my body.

My breath hitches.

"Good girl." He says. "How many times do you think I should spank you?"

"How ever many times you want." I say hoping he'll go easy on me if I let him be completely in charge.

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