twenty three

361 6 1

Emiliano wakes me up this morning

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Emiliano wakes me up this morning. He says we are going to see Vanessa and Alessio today. Which I am very excited for, I am just to tired right now.

I groan, "No! Give me like five more hours."

"You've slept long enough." He says, "It's time to pull yourself together."

I shoot him a glare, "You pull yourself together." I turn my back to him, "Douche."

Suddenly, the blanket is ripped from off of me and I get immediately cold.

I look at Emiliano, "I'm sorry. Please I am really tired."

"Victoria." His voice warning.

"Fine. You're so rude," I say.

Once I stand up I look up at Emiliano, "You're so cute."

"I thought I was rude." He says.

I scrunch my nose, "Did I say that?"

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever crazy, let's take a shower."

"Together?" I ask.

"If you're comfortable with it." He shrugs.

"You've literally been inside of me." I point out, "I don't care if you see my naked anymore."

He just smirks.

That sexy smirk.

"I don't have clothes!" I worry.

"Yes you do." He says, "I had my butler get you some clothes while we were on the plane. I'll let you go shopping another day so you can pick out some clothes and shit you like."

I smile, "You really are such a sweetheart, but honestly I'm fine. You don't need to-,"

He cuts me off with a kiss.

"You are never and I mean never going to win this 'you don't need to but me shit.' argument. Alright?" He says.

I laugh a little, "Okay. Thank you."

"Anytime." He says.

We both take a shower, I scold him for being to rough on his wound and I just end up washing the area where he got shot since I don't want him to hurt himself.

When we get out the mirror is all fogged up.

We walk out of the bathroom and he grabs my hand and leads me to his closet.

"That's your stuff." He points to a few bags that aren't touched.

I go over to them, with the towel wrapped around my body, and look inside.

There's mostly dresses in here.

I grab a plain black dress as well as some panties and a bra.

I find it weird somebody I don't even know bought me panties and bras but there's nothing I can really do about it.

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