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I'm at work right now

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I'm at work right now. Aria isn't here right now, some girl named Riley is. It's been five months since I moved out here and I have made three friends. Vanessa, Alessio, and Etta.

I have been avoiding Emiliano since last week, we had a little argument. Maybe not little but it was about the deal we made. He keeps doing these things and making me second guess my decision. So I got mad at him and we yelled at each other for a good thirty minutes.

"Hey, where do I put these?" Riley pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Over there," I point to where the products belong.

She's worked here longer than me and she doesn't know that. Really?

There isn't any costumers in at the moment so I take this time to wipe down all the shelves and make sure there's no dust on them or the products.

Nessa and I have gotten very close! Her and Alessio are still not dating but they are getting there.

Alessio and I made a little deal to be each other's wingmen. Or since I am a girl would I be a wingwoman? Who knows?

But I told him I am not interested in Emiliano anymore.

Which is a lie. I think.

It's weird. He is a very attractive man. And he does these little gestures like helping me grab things when they are to high up for me. Or having his drivers escort me home. Or that one time he brought me breakfast. But then there's another side of him, that shows more often, where he's a douche. And he calls me a bitch and a brat and he trips me for no reason and makes me fall. Or he will do things purposely to turn me on then he says that I called the deal off.

It's all just to confusing for me.

So it's best to stay away from him.

Alessio still always bring me up around Emiliano to see what he says about me.

Things with Etta are good. We have breakfast together every single day and she tells me about her love life. She has me do her hair and makeup. She also has her boyfriend buy me things, I've told both her and him that's it's not necessary but they insist. Etta tells me I deserve it, and her boyfriend, Antonio, says that he doesn't mind that he's going to die soon and has so much money to spend in so little time. It kind of makes me sad when he says that.

I've grown close to both of them and it is sad when they talk about dying.

But one thing they always say whenever the conversation is brought up is that they want to die together.

It's a bittersweet feeling when they say that.

Someone walks in soon after I finished wiping up everything so I help them out.

We have a few more costumers come in before it's time for me to go to back to the hotel.

But before I can get there Nessa calls me and tells me that her drivers are on their way to pick me up that we are going to drink tonight.

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