twenty six

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I'm leaving Victoria today

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I'm leaving Victoria today. Only for a week then I will be back.

I am going to Russia again. The fucker who shot me definitely isn't going un-punished. He's in jail in Russia, for attempted murder and assault.

I was going to punish him for shooting me but then when I found out he hurt Victoria, I knew I was going to kill him.

So that's what I am doing.

Alessio is coming with me as well.

Right now, I am driving Victoria to Vanessa's house. Which is now her house.

I'm not happy that's she moving in the Vanessa. I wish she were moving in with me but I understand. I'm not gonna get in the way of her happiness.

It pained me to see her worried about moving in. Worried about me and if I would cheat on her.

I would never cheat on her.

She's way to special.

Even if she didn't mean as much as she does to me, I still wouldn't cheat on her.

I wouldn't cheat on anyone. It's pointless. If you find someone else you're interested in, break up with the person you are with.

I could never find someone better than Victoria. She's perfect.

Her personality, her looks, her everything is just perfect.

We are five miles away from Vanessa's house.

I look over to Victoria who looks very tired.

She was tired this morning when I woke her up and she probably got even more tired when we fucked.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah. I'm just tired."

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No. Are you?"

"No." I say.

She looks at me, "I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't do that." I say, looking back at the road after looking at her for a quick second.

"What?" She asks.

"Don't say that." I say.

"Say what?" She gets confused.

"That you'll miss me." I say, "Because then I won't go which I have to."

She sighs, "I know. But I will."

I put my hand on her thigh, "I'll miss you too, my sweet girl."

She wraps her arms around my arm.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Hugging you." She says.

I just smile.

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