twenty seven

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a/n: hii thank you to everyone who reads my book! but please make sure you vote and comment on the chapters!! thank you! have fun reading!

a/n: hii thank you to everyone who reads my book! but please make sure you vote and comment on the chapters!! thank you! have fun reading!

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I shoot him in the stomach. I bailed this guy out of jail. Now, I am going to kill him. I want to have a little fun first though. We have been here for three days already and we have sliced him up a bit. Okay well maybe more than a bit. We haven't let him sleep. Or eat, or drink water. He's probably exhausted but I couldn't give a fuck.

I learned that his name is Kyle. But he doesn't deserve to have his name used. Because he is nothing. It means nothing. He's a worthless piece of shit.

He screams in pain.

Alessio, who is standing beside me sharpening a knife, laughs.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I am, really." Kyle begs, "Please. I'm sorry I shot you."

I laugh now, "You think I am doing this because you shot me? I would have just killed you if that were the case."

"Then why are you doing this?" He asks.

"You hurt my Victoria." I say, "Nobody gets to hurt her. Nobody."

He shakes his head, "All of this for her? She isn't worth it! She's a drug addict whore!"

Without thinking I shoot him in this hand.

He screams out.

"Alessio?" I look at Alessio.

"Yeah?" He looks at me.

"He is telling lies." I say, "How do we handle people who tell lies?"

Alessio lets out an evil laugh.

He walks up to Kyle.

Kyle looks up at him in fear, "What are you do-,"

Alessio grabs his tongue.

Then he cuts his off.

Kyle's screams are now muffled because of the blood that is filling his mouth.

"Now, we aren't going to talk bad about Victoria again, are we?" I ask.

He spits out blood and tries to talk but obviously can't.

"Cut his shirt off." I tell Alessio.

And he does.

Then, I grab Alessio's knife and carve, V+E, into Kyle's chest.

I decide I am bored with him so I shoot him in his head.

"Here." Alessio hands me a cloth to wipe the blood off of my face.

I wipe my face as I hear my phone start to ring.

It's Victoria.

I answer it, "Hey."

"Hi baby! How are you?" She sounds really happy.

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