twenty one

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I wake up in a hospital bed

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I wake up in a hospital bed. There's a blanket covering my lower half and I have a hospital gown on. Gross.

I lift up the gown and it exposes my stomach which has a fresh scar on it, which is from surgery.

I don't remember coming to the hospital. I remember getting shot, and Victoria talking to me, I remember her crying and telling me not to die, and I remember the EMT's putting me in the ambulance. I feel asleep on the way, I guess.

Where is Victoria? I would've thought she would be by my side when I woke up. I press the call button that's on the side of my bed.

A nurse comes in, a young woman, "English, right?"

I nod, "Yes."

She gives me a warm smile, "Okay."

"Where is Victoria?" I ask.

She gives me a confused look, "Who?"

"The girl who came in with me." I say.

"I will see," She says then walks out.

I sigh then lay my head back.

I should tell my family what happened. But I am not going to. I don't want to worry them.

Vanessa is far to sensitive. She would freak.

Victoria is sensitive as well. I can tell. She just knows how to hide it better than Vanessa.

The nurse comes back in with a worried look on her face, "We found her but she is not well."

My heart drops, "What happened? Where is she?"

"Doctors took her for a head scan." She says, "She was visiting the other man you came in with, uhm Kyle, I believe, and he hit her and she fell and hit her head. It started bleeding out, we need to see if the bleeding is internal if it is she will need surgery immediately."

I blink, "Kyle? The drug dealer who shot me? Why would you guys let them in the same room together? He's dangerous!"

She nods, "We know that now, sir."

"Well now it's to late!" I yell, "Now Victoria is hurt!"

"Sir calm down, I wasn't the one who let her in there." She says.

I sigh, "I am going to kill that fucker."

"He will be put in jail. For the drugs and for this." She informs me. "I will let you know when there is an update on her,"

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