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I didn't cheat on Victoria

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I didn't cheat on Victoria. I would never. I care about her to much. I love her.

I had to tell her I cheated on her. Because I couldn't bring myself to break up with her. I couldn't have her still liking me. I need her to hate me.

While I was gone, I found out my parents are not dead.

They faked their death to get away from this lifestyle.

I was shocked to say the least.

They couldn't even tell their kids.

They let us grieve them. They let us think they were dead.

Vanessa was broken for months after they died.

My mother asked how everything was going.

I said it was fine. And I even told them about Victoria.

But of course, my father had something to say about it.

He said that I changed. That I was weak.

And I believed him.

God I am such a fucking idiot.

When Victoria told me she hated me, it hurt.

I deserved it though.

My father always had some weird control over me. And he shouldn't.

Whatever happened when I was a child, I am an adult now.

So why, why would I let him still have this power over me.

I didn't tell Vanessa. And I am not going to.

But I should tell Alessio.

I call him and he doesn't answer.


He's not doubt mad at me.

It's been like two days since I lied to Victoria.

I go over to Vanessa and Victoria's house, and I knock but nobody answers.

I ask the guard to open the door for me, and he does.

I walk inside and I see Vanessa and Alessio on the couch.

Vanessa looks at me and when she sees me, her look turn venomous. "What the fuck are you doing here? We didn't answer for a reason."

"I really need to talk to you." I talk to Alessio.

"I'm pissed off at you." He says, "Why the fuck would you cheat on her?"

"Just let me explain." I say.

"You can explain right here." He says, "In front of both of us."

"I don't want Vanessa to hear." I say.

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