twenty nine

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Vanessa screams from beside me. A happy scream rather than a scared scream.

"What?" I ask.

"Alessio is coming back today!" She smiles.

"That's good!" I say. "Does that mean Emiliano is coming back too?"

She shakes her head, "No. He comes back tomorrow."

"Oh." I say, "Well that's fine I guess."

"I'm sorry." She frowns, "I know you miss him."

"It's okay." I say, "I'll see him tomorrow so it doesn't matter."

She gives me a hug, "I love you!"

I laugh, "I love you too!"

"We should get surgery so we are stuck together forever." She says.

I give her a look, "You are crazy. No way!"

"Why not? We will always be friends that way." She says.

"We will always be friends anyways." I say, "I'm not getting a surgery to be stuck with you."

She scrunches her nose up, "Fine. What about matching tattoos?"

"That we can do." I say.

She jumps up, "Okay let's go!"

"You are talking about right now?" I ask.

"Yes!" She grabs my hand, "Let's go!"

We get into the car and the drivers take us to a tattoo shop.

I don't have any tattoos. I've never really thought about even getting one.

When we get to the tattoo shop they ask us what we want and we decide on both getting two hearts on our wrists. One heart is filled in, the opposite on both of our wrists.

She also gets a little butterfly on her ankle.

"You should get a butterfly tattoo!" She says.

"I don't know." I say, "Do you think it's to much?"

"Never." She says.

I decide to get two butterflies right under my boob. I think that is cute.

When we leave, I hand the guy money for the tattoos but Vanessa takes it out my hands and shoves it in my back pocket.

"No." She says, "This was my idea. I'm paying."

"No it's fine really, I got it." I say.

She ignores me and hands the guy her card.

She pays then we leave.

"Next time we do something I am paying," I say.

"Okay." She says, "If you are fast enough."

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