thirty five

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I get woken up by Vanessa jumping on top of me

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I get woken up by Vanessa jumping on top of me. I open my eyes and look at he to see her smiling at me.

I groan, "You are a physco why would you wake me up like that?"

"Oh you are a drama queen." She pulls my arm, making me sit up, "I am starving."

"So you woke me up?" I ask.

"No." She says, "I woke you up because I was bored."

I rub my eyes, "I worry about you."

She laughs, "I worry about you. It's nearly twelve in the afternoon and you are still in your bed."

I lay my head in her lap, "I don't wanna get up."

She pokes my forehead, "Too bad."

I try to bite her finger but she pulls it away before I get the chance.

I roll off of her, "Okay fine."

She pulls me to my feet, "Alright let's go! Gianna is making us food."

Gianna is the chef.

We go to the kitchen and we eat the food Gianna made.

Then the door opens and Alessio and Emiliano walk in.

They were gone for a week. For work.

But they both look really upset.

Nessa and I walk over to them.

I hug Emiliano, "Hi."

He hugs me tightly but doesn't say anything.

Alessio doesn't talk either.

I grab Emiliano's face and make him look at me, "Whats wrong?"

He shakes his head and burries his face in my neck.

Nessa and I make eye contact and we both know something is wrong with them.

I grab Emiliano's hand and lead him to my room.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Not really." He admits, "I'll tell you later, I just want to hold you right now."

I nod, understanding him.

I lay down and let him lay on my chest.

He gives me a kiss before getting comfortable.

I play with his hair, knowing he likes when I do that.

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