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It's the next week and I just got off of work

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It's the next week and I just got off of work. I decide to go to the library because I want to use the computers there.

I am thinking about applying to college. I did graduate high school, shockingly.

I kind of always liked school. It helped me escape my problems.

The only thing about college is I don't have the money for it, but there's always student loans, right?

I look at a few colleges and right down the names of the ones I think i'd get in to.

Obviously nothing fancy, and something that is cheap, also that is close by.

I don't have a car or any way of transportation so I would have to walk.

After I am finished I leave and start walking back to my hotel room.

I have to pay the rent for the hotel again in three weeks and I get paid to two.

I don't get paid much since it's my first month on the job. They said as I go on and show good work ethic I will get paid more.

Hopefully if I get into college I can get a better paying job and maybe even get a small apartment. I don't want to live in a hotel for the rest of my life.

As I am walking somebody pulls me to an alleyway and kisses me.

I push them away, "What the fuck?!"

They guy looks at me, "I'm sorry. Kind of running from the cops right now. I need them to think I am just some random guy."

I roll my eyes, "Don't fucking kiss! You could have herpes!"

He mouth drops open, "I do not!"

"How would I know?" I ask.

He smiles, "Wait. Are you that chick from Romano's house?"

"Who?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Emiliano." He says.

Realization hits me, "Oh yeah, I am. You were one of the dudes hanging out with him."

He nods, "Yeah."

"So, what's he like?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Romano? Oh he's a total asshole. But he does protect the people he cares about, he's also very loyal." He admits.

"Oh." I murmur, "He seems like a bitch to me. But then again i've only met him once for like five minutes so I don't really know."

"Just get to know him. Maybe y'all will be friends." He shrugs.

I start playing with my hands, "I want to get along with him for Vanessas sake. That's all. He just seems like a not so good guy so it's hard to trust him."

He laughs, "Yeah, he can seem like that. I mean his not the best guy if I am being one hundred percent honest, but you can trust him. I mean as long as you don't do anything beyond forgiveness. Cause then he'd probably kill you."

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