thirty three

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Victoria comes downstairs again

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Victoria comes downstairs again. She heads to the kitchen.

I look at Vanessa.

She shrugs her shoulders, "Better hurry up."

I nod and go to the kitchen.

Victoria looks at me then look away.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

She doesn't reply.

I step closer to her, "Please, Victoria."

She continues to look through the cupboard for snacks I'm assuming.

This time I get really close to her, almost touching.

She doesn't even care, she's pretending I don't exist.

I touch her arm, "Please, let me explain."

She snatches her arm away, "Don't fucking touch me."

"Victoria." I say, sounding very desperate, "You have to listen to me."

"No." She says as she walks away.

She didn't even bring anything with her.

I sigh and head back to the couch, "She's not going to listen to me."

"You really fucked up man." Alessio says.

"Yeah no shit." I scoff.

"Just give her time." Vanessa says, "She's mad right now."

"I know." I sigh.

I don't stay for much longer. I can't stand to be in the same house as Victoria and not be with her.

I go to work.

I take of some financial shit.

Leo, one of the guys who works for me, walks over to me, "Hey man. I feel like I haven't seen you in decades."

"It's been a few weeks." I say.

"We should hang out." He says, "Have a party, you know?"

Leo has worked with me for years. We are pretty close I guess.

"I don't know." I say.

"Come on! When is the last time we all hung out together?" He asks.

It has been a while since we all hung out. I do need something to take my mind off of Victoria.

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