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After yelling at my mother and storming off, I find myself locked in my bedroom packing a bag. She thinks I won't leave but I'm going to. I have a plane ticket and a brother waiting for me on the Island.
   I got the suitcase I've always had under my bed and started packing all of my clothes, shoes, toiletries. and other essentials. I couldn't take everything so I left most of it, Then, I went to my closet and grabbed my shoebox with all of my cash in it, along with my taser, my pepper spray, and my plane ticket. I opened my window and was about to leave till I remembered to text my brother and let him know I'm coming.
  I left the house. snuck out of my window, and walked all the way down the street and turned the corner, walked down that street then finally reached my friends car. I opened the trunk and put everything in it.

   before I left the house I snuck moms phone and wrote down John B's phone number. So I typed it into my own phone and texted him.

me- Hi. I know you don't really know me and i don't know you, i don't even know if you know about me but it's Brooklyn, your little sister. look, I live all the way out in Missouri, and i'm coming back to OBX, mom doesn't know but i'll explain if and when i get there. Would you be able to pick me up from the airport when I get there? x Brooklyn

John B- Oh my god. Of course I remember you brook, you're my sister. you'll have to make sure nobody's following you though so mom doesn't find you. please call me when you board your plane. I'm excited to see you considering we've been apart for years. I've missed you over the years. What time do you land so ik when to get to the airport

me- I wasn't sure if you'd remember me because i don't know how much dad told you about me considering we were only toddlers when we moved apart. i'll call you the second i board my plane,

  and with that me and my friend Amy on the road headed to the hotel by the airport. I don't think mom even knows I'm gone yet but just in case, I've disabled the tracker she put on my cell phone and I got a plane ticket so my plane leaves at 7:00 AM

A/N~ Aaaanddd we're back. i promise in the next few chapters she'll reach obx. either next chapter or the one after.

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