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When I arrived at Sara's she met me in the driveway and insisted we went through the back, I can only assume that Barry's here then.

We went in through the back and I thought Barry and Rafe would be in the kitchen or something, but nope they were on the stairs.
"So why'd you come over?" Sara asked, obviously oblivious to the fact that Barry's right next to her.
"Oh uh, do you have any cheap liquor? I need alcohol, and a lot of it." I replied, looking away from Barry but not failing to see that he looks like he's been crying. Is that some sort of sick joke? He played me, and he's the one crying?

"Yes, We have some cheap whiskey, some tequila, and some fireball. Pick your poison." She stated, with a smirk.

"Before you guys go, can I talk to Brooklyn please?" Barry requested, standing up.
By the look on Sara's face, she had no idea he was right there.
"No, I've got people to see and places to be." I replied, turning towards Sara, but before we could leave he stopped me. What is it with guys and not letting me leave?

"Please. Just let me explain. I promise I want you, Brooklyn. Nobody else. I swear me and her were broken up, and when she called me I was caught off guard and didn't know her and I were still together, baby plea-" What.

"Hold on. That's who called you when you were literally on my bed, in my house, with your tongue in my mouth?" I interjected. I cannot believe he was on the phone with his girlfriend while that was happening. And more than that, I cannot believe I thought he was all in with me.

"Well yeah but-" He tried to start again but I interrupted again. "No, no I've heard enough. Like I said before, we're done, Barry. I'll drop your stuff off at your house tomorrow, and while I'm there I'll pick my stuff up." I said, walking away with Sara

I decided to get some tequila and some fireball, but I didn't want to get drunk with Barry there, so I asked Sara if we could go back to my place.

On the drive home, I explained to Sara what happened when I got to Barry's, and as a result she blocked him on everything and deleted every instagram post he was in, which only reminded me that I need to do that.
When we got to the house, we went inside and we weren't hiding the bottles or anything because we didn't care who knows but John B saw us and stopped us.

"That better not be for you guys." He said, referring to the alcohol. "It is, we'll be in my room." I replied, walking past him.

In the time of 10 minutes, I'd managed to choke down half the bottle of fireball and some whiskey. I already put my phone away so I couldn't post anything or text anyone, but all I know is I can't stop thinking about the way JJ actually cared for me.
I mean I already knew that he'd feel bad when Barry did hurt me, but he genuinely cared. It wasn't fake. It was true concern.

"Whatcha thinkin about" Sara asked, interrupting my thoughts
"JJ." I simply replied.
"Wait what? I thought you hated him." she asked, furrowing her brows
"Well right before I went to your house, he asked if I was okay, and obviously I thought he didn't care, but he insists that he does." I stated, taking a long swig of the tequila.

We dropped the subject of the blonde, and turned on music, blasting Taylor Swift and having a dance party.


As we sang to Look What You Made Me Do, I realized we were being a little loud but I don't give a damn. I thought nobody cared how loud we were, till' JJ walked in and paused the music.

"Mind turning this down a bit? Please? Were trying to figure out how to find Big John." He stated and asked. Wait. They didn't tell me they were trying to find him? I thought he passed?

"JJ, he's dead." I replied in a confused tone
"Oh my god! My moms abusive, my dads dead, and I got cheated on! HAHAHA" I started bursting out laughing
"Brooklyn that's not funny... Are you... Oh my god you're drunk." Why is he looking at me like that.
"Yes and?" And that's the very last thing I remember.

I of course woke up the next morning feeling like shit, not only mentally, but also physically. Why do I choose to do this to myself?
Im assuming Sara already left because she's gone and so is her car, but right now I just want a shower.

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