Outer Banks

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A/N- This is the fit guys (or wtvr you want this js seemed fitting for the summer setting!)

A/N- This is the fit guys (or wtvr you want this js seemed fitting for the summer setting!)

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After looking through a million and seven outfits (Literally) I chose something to wear. Finally deciding on an orange cropped t-short and black jean shorts, I put on a couple of my rings and my favorite necklace that Amy gave me for my birthday, ultimately leaving my hair in the messy bun it's in.
Right now I'm very quickly spraying myself with perfume, putting on deodorant, and quickly brushing and flossing my teeth. I decided to do my makeup because I didn't have time for that this morning, but since it's Summer I don't want to do too much because I don't want it all to melt off, so I went with mascara, a tad bit of highlighter on the inner corners of my eyes and on my nose, and some very lightly pink tinted gloss. Honestly, right now I look really good except I have to cover the small bruise right near my eye from mom hitting me last week.

-3 hours later-

"Brooklyn! Where the hell have you been?! You said you'd have your phone on, I texted! and called! multiple fucking times!" Shit. Now you're probably wondering how I got into a situation where my brother and his best friends are literally hunting for me. Well, I promised him I'd keep my phone on, but then I met a up with my friend named Barry, we went back to his trailer with his friend Rafe, and Rafes sister Sara. I got a little distracted and I kept getting texts, so I just went on do not disturb, which JB obviously didn't like.

"Uh where I said I would be? Walking around and exploring the island." Thinking back on it, it would've been a good idea to tell John B that I was going off with people he didn't even know, But right now that doesn't matter.
"Really? Cause' right now it looks a lot like you're at druggies trailer. Let me guess, you'd rather hang out with the kooks and the cracks, than the pogues and you're own brother?"

Ugh who invited JJ

"Oh yea JJ, I'm totally abandoning you guys. And anyway, even if I was which I'm not. It wouldn't be any of your business considering I'm 'Lying about who I am'" I snapped back, emphasizing on the I'm not and doing air quotations for the last part.

"Y'know what, you're right. it isn't any of my business, but I'm just saying, if I were John B right now, I'd drag you're annoying ass straight home."

"Then I guess it's a good thing you're not JB." He has some audacity. I mean coming to where I am just to be a jerk is absolutely crazy.

"Get in the car, Brooklyn." Who does he think he is? I was about to ask him, but Barry spoke before I could

"Don't talk to her like that bro, you're not her dad." I'm glad someone here has enough common sense to realize that JJ can't control me.

"I wasn't talking to you was I? Brooklyn, get in the car." Why isn't JB saying anything?
"You can't control me JJ, I tried being nice to you but you're making it extremely hard. If you don't like where I am, or who I'm with, then leave. Nobody is stopping you." I spoke, barely above a whisper. I truly don't like yelling when I'm angry but right now I would like to yell some really rude things.

"I'm not asking you. Get in the fucking car before I drag your ass to the car." I seriously cannot believe him.
Before I could respond, Barry and Rafe got in front of me, towering over JJ like they wanted to kill him then and there

"Ha! You've got them wrapped around your little finger haven't you? Brooklyn, we're leaving. that includes you. so get whatever you have here and get in the car or I will seriously drag you to the car." By the look on his face I could tell he was serious, so I decided to play it safe and leave with them, But before I did, I managed to get Barry's number. 

Me- Hey, sorry I had to leave so soon, JJ's just a jerk.
Barry- It's cool don't stress it. You tryna hang out tmr? We can come to my place.
Me- Yeah sounds fun
Barry- Sweet.

I'm not sure what is it but something about Barry just- ugh. He just makes me wanna go feral but in a good way. I've also only known him a week so I'm not going to act on it.

"Earth to Brook! hellooo!" John B said snapping in my face
"Huh? What?"

"What was that back there. Acting all kook-ish and shit."

"I wasn't acting like a kook? I don't even know how a kook is supposed to act. Actually, no! What was that back there on your part! You let JJ just yell at me!" I exclaimed, whipping around to face him.

"I-I didn't know what to say.. I knew you could handle him, and you did"

"Okay, but even then. I don't know anyone on this island John B, I met people who were nice, so I was hanging out with them. And what happened to the pogues liking me? you assured me multiple times they'd like me, yet JJ hates me!"

"That's just JJ being JJ, you'll learn to ignore him. And I swear he doesn't dislike you.

"That's easy for you to say, considering you're not the one he yells at."  I didn't even let him reply before I stormed off to my room and slammed my door.

-Next morning-
It's 4 in the morning, who is texting me right now.

Barry- Sweet.
                          Today, 4:21 AM

Barry- Yo
Barry- Brook
Barry- Answer
Barry- Brooklyn
Me- hm
Barry- are you awake?
Me- No.
Barry- Shut up yes you are. I'm on my way leave your window unlocked
Me- It's 4 in the morning why are you coming to my house.
Barry- I'm bored asf
Me- then go shoot beer cans idk, just let me sleep bro
Barry- I'm not your bro don't call me that. I'll be there in 15
Me- ugh fine my window is unlocked.

Why must I always be woken up at ungodly hours.

Well now I'm wide awake and I won't be able to fall asleep, but I most definitely cannot let Barry see me, with my Invisalign in, hair in braids, in my sleep outfit, and no socks on. So what better to do than get ready.
I got up, went to my bathroom and took my hair out of my braids, took my Invisalign out and put it in the drawer, changed into some black grey and pink nike shorts with a random black crop top and put on a pair of black ankle socks.

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