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A/N- There's self harm talk in this chapter so please skip it if you're uncomfy w that!

"So.. You guys are probably wondering why I called all of you over. I mean other than JJ, you guys were probably all comfy in bed, but I need to talk to you guys, and I don't want you to get mad." John B spoke. We all gave a shared side glance around the bonfire, as JB isn't ever seriously.

"What is it JB? We won't be mad, we're all here for you." The last few weeks have been hectic as fuck, but I'll explain that later.

"I.. Uhm. This is harder than I thought. I'm with Sara.. But I'm not like, dating her. Well, I don't know. I'm using her to get closer to the merchant. And I wanted you guys to find out through me, that way you don't get surprised when you do find out." Are you fucking kidding me?! Sara and I had a falling out when she told me that her and Barry almost had sex. Almost as in, they didn't have clothes on, just undergarments. That caused a huge fight and she called me an overdramatic bitch.

"Are you fucking kidding me John B?! I don't care if it's fake or not, Sara's bad news. I wish I would've listened to Kie when she told me, you can match your happy ass right back up to the house, call her, and tell her it's over." I almost yelled. I've changed quite a bit, so let's have a recap.

Well for starters, I got a few more tattoos, and I've started breaking the rules and laws a lot more. I don't hold back on yelling anymore, and John B and I have gotten super close. He was the one that told me that Sara was a fake asshole after her and i had the fight.

"What! Sara's the worst person you could've roped into this. What's wrong with you?!" Kie added onto what I said

"I don't care at all but, what, exactly did she do to you, Kie?" Of course JJ is on the side that isn't mine. I wanna tell John B about me and JJ, but he thinks it's too soon. It's been a month of sneaking around, it was fun at first but now i'm just tired of it. So naturally, we got in a small argument about that, and haven't talked in a few days, other than throwing snarky comments at one another.

"She's like a.. Like a spitting cobra. That shoots venom right at you and just- I don't know. Point is she's a snake."
"Whatever happened with you two is in the past, if it helps us find my grandfathers legacy than I'm in. That was a terrible analogy, by the way." Pope chimed in.

It seems like every time Kie and I agree on something, the boys disagree. It honestly pisses me off.

"I'm just using her. Then I'll drop her. I promise."

"See, Brooke? He's gonna do to her, exactly what you did to her." JJ stated before flashing me an annoying sarcastic smile. At this point i'm not sure if he's faking anymore.

"Oh fuck you JJ! You have no idea what happened that night, and even if you did that doesn't give you the right to be a dick to me! I didn't use her, Its no secret that you just want to make my life as miserable as you can, and break me down until i'm at an all time low, but guess what? You won't!" I shouted, before storming back up the beach and going in the house. I know all that was coming from our fight, but he needs to talk to me.

The fight-

"Why can't we just tell him? It's been long enough, JJ! We know how we feel about each other so I don't see why you want to wait!" His head shot up from looking at the ground, and I swear I could see the fury in them.

"Why are you being stupid?! If we tell John B, it'll throw him off the hunt for the gold! You know that this is something he really wants, so stop being selfish and just wait a couple weeks!" JJ boomed, looking at me like I was some sort of drug that made him go crazy, but in a bad way.

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