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A/N- I made name things so yk who's pov it is 😼 also guys theres spice in this one but its 1 person

A/N- I made name things so yk who's pov it is 😼 also guys theres spice in this one but its 1 person

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It's been hours since I last saw Brooke, and I'm honestly getting worried. I know she went to the beach but ever since I made J go apologize to her, she's been in the water and I honestly think she might've drowned.

Just as I was about to call her, guess who walks into the door. ding ding ding!! Brooklyn.
"Where the hell have you been?" I ask. She walks through the door, drying her hair with her towel as she does so. "What's it to you?" she replied, walking towards her room.

"No I need to talk to you come here. I know you're not going to listen but first I want to say I'm sorry for what JJ said to you at Barry's. It wasn't cool and trust me he knows that. Secondly, I want you to stay away from Barry. He's only going to get you in trouble, Brooke. Whether you see it or not I don't care, you're gonna stay away from him, and I realize that sounds like I'm trying to control you but please, if you're going to date anybody don't let it be him." I lecture, and I think I sound more like a dad than a concerned brother but maybe she can't tell.

"JJ said the same thing, so I'll tell you what I told him, you don't get to decide who I date or hang out with. I know you guys don't like him but he was the first person on this entire island that was nice to me. Other than you obviously but you're my brother. If I do date him then I promise I won't bring him around you guys but please stop trying to control my actions." And with that she walked off.

I don't know what she doesn't see, he Isn't good for her. He'll only hurt her but if she trusts him then I will too. But I'll also talk to him about her.

 But I'll also talk to him about her

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I cant stop thinking about Brooklyn.

I don't know why, I don't even like the girl. But god the way her hair moved so perfectly, and her bathing suit matched her curves flawlessly. And her smile.

oh my god.

I need to get her out of my head, not only is she choosing Barry, but she's my best friends little sister.

But god the way she licked her plump lips after she spoke. I love the way my name sounds coming out of her mouth, it's like music to my ears.

I look at her instagram and I just can't take my eyes off of her beautiful body. She makes me crazy and she doesn't even know it. This isn't the first time I've thought like this about her, but it's definitely the first time I got this hard thinking about her.

As I reach my hand slowly down to my pants I scroll through her Instagram, Looking at each post, studying her beautiful smile, and her dimples. as I watch her videos and look at her photos, I started pumping my hand on my cock, and I can only imagine it was her hand instead.

I need her so bad.

I don't understand how she's so damn perfect. Nearing my climax, I let the euphoric feeling take over my body as my mind filled with inappropriate thoughts of her.

I finished with a whimper of her name and I realize that I have to tell John B I have a crush on his sister. I'm not sure how I'm going to get her away from Barry, or how to get her to stop hating me but I will.

______________John B____________
Me- i need to talk to u
John B- K what
Me- no i mean in person i can't tell u this over text
John B- Uh.. ok. come over ig
Me- k

I get on my bike and speed off. I have no idea how I'm going to tell him, I know he's protective of her. I mean I am too but she hates me for it.

"What'd you need to talk about?" John B questioned, tossing me a beer.

"Uh. Where's Brooklyn right now?" I cannot have her hearing this. "In the shower, why? What's going on?" What do I say.
"Okay good she shouldn't hear this. I like her, John B." I blurted, mostly because I know if I wait any longer then I won't say it

"Are you fucking kidding me JJ?" He stood as he nearly yelled.
"Look man I really tried to hate her and I tried even harder to get her out of my head but I can't."
I'm so fucking scared right now bro.

"Okay. You can like her all you want but there will be absolutely no acting on it, got it? You know what, new fucking rule. No pogue-on-pogue macking. I honestly can't believe I have to say that but macking on someone else in the friend group just fucks everything up." He said. He sat down again, opened his beer and chugged it

"ok. I'll act like I hate her whenever she's around."

A/N- this is a shorter chapter but everything I want to write I won't be able to until I figure out how to get JJ and Brooke together.

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