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A/N- This one also has mentions of self harm, please skip if you aren't comfortable with that!



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JJ told me to get John B and Brooklyn while he gets Pope, because he wants to go surfing, so I called John B and he told me he'd tell Brooke, so here we are, at the chateau talking about the waves

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JJ told me to get John B and Brooklyn while he gets Pope, because he wants to go surfing, so I called John B and he told me he'd tell Brooke, so here we are, at the chateau talking about the waves.

"Actually uhm.. You guys go ahead and go surf, I went swimming this morning and I'm feeling a little tired, I'm gonna uh take a nap." Brooklyn spoke. Huh. She never passes up an opportunity to get in the water.

I gave John B a look asking if she was okay but I don't think he understood what I was asking because he just held his beer up and smiled, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Okay. Do you want us to bring you back like.. Shells or anything?" Pope offered. I'm sure he knows something is up too because his tone of voice is more questioning than curious. She said no and headed inside but I know something's wrong.

"Hey, Jayj, could you stay back for a sec? I need to talk to you about something." I asked, tossing him a beer from the cooler.

"Sure. You two to ahead, we'll catch up." And just like that, John B and Pope were off. The second we were alone he raised a brow at me, signaling for me to talk.
"Did you notice that something's off with Brooke, or am I reading too much into it? She never passes up and opportunity to get in the ocean." He obviously didn't realize until I said something because once he thought about it for a second he looked at me again.

"Good point. And she never takes naps, even if she hasn't slept for days. Thank you for letting me know, I'm gonna go talk to her about it. Let the others know where I am please" Then he went inside.
I grabbed my surf board and headed to the beach with the boys.

I went inside and laid in bed and started to cry

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I went inside and laid in bed and started to cry. Why did I cut myself again? That was so stupid. I'm so stupid.
I started overthinking it when I heard a knock on my door then JJ said he was coming in.

"Hey.. What's goin on? You never stay out of the water, especially if all of us are going. Are you alright?" He questioned. God I hate how he knows me like that.

"Yeah! I'm fine." I lied, wiping my years before turning towards him and flashing him a fake smile.
"Please don't lie to me. I know you're not fine, I heard you crying earlier, and before I came in. I don't wanna see that bullshit smile, I know it's fake. Please talk to me Princess, I'm here for you" He replied, wiping the tear that remained under my eye, with his thumb. I have to admit, that gave me butterflies. He's never called me princess before.

I've started tearing up again, and I bit my bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

"If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell any of the others. Especially John B. He'll freak out." I warned. I can't have John B finding out that I cut myself. He'd watch me like a hawk.
"Okay, I won't I promise. I'm here for you Brooke, I'll help you with whatever it is.

"Don't freak out, I'm going to take my pants off because I can't explain it without showing you, But it's nothing sexual at all." He just nodded, looking at me with genuine concern written all over his face, so I sat up and wiped my tears, then began removing my pants, carefully to ensure that my underwear doesn't go down with my pants.

After I got them off, I removed my hands and showed JJ all of the cuts. I watched as his eyes searched up and down my legs looking for anything wrong. But when he finally found it, his eyes widened and his mouth parted a bit.

"Princess.. Come here." He whispered before embracing me in a hug. Not a fake remorse hug, but the kind that makes you feel safe. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rubbed my back.
I let out a few sobs into his chest, telling him that I'm sorry and couldn't help it.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm here. I'm not mad, it'll all be okay Brooke." He kept holding me as he whispered that it was okay into my ear. I finally pulled away after a few minutes and wiped my tears yet again.
"Can you tell me why you did it? I can't help you unless I know what I'm helping with." So I explained everything. How my mom called me, how I have to go back, and how I have to be a mother and return to my old lifestyle and most likely get abused again.

"I won't let that happen to you. You don't ever have to go back there, And if she does call the police, I know a few places you can hide our until they're off your back, okay? They will find someone in Haileys family to put her with I promise. That's what happens when a parent dies, an aunt or an uncle or grandparents take them in, okay? She's going to be perfectly fine." He explained, wiping my tears. I can see that he wants to say something else but is hesitant to.

"Say it." I don't recognize my own voice because of how much I've been crying
"Hm?" He hummed in response, looking straight into my eyes.
"I can see that you want to say something. Just say it J." He contemplated for another second before saying it

"I want you to call me or text me, or come find me when you're thinking about hurting yourself again, okay? I don't want you go be in any pain, but I don't want you to feel alone. You're not alone, you have me, and John B, and Pope, and Kie. And even Sara. Will you promise to tell me when you want to hurt yourself so I can distract you? Please?" He begged, tears starting to brim his eyes. I didn't even respond, I just nodded and hugged him again.

He stayed with me for the rest of the afternoon, and he showed me his scars while he told me his story, and eventually I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

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