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Fit 😝

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I'm extremely confused right now

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I'm extremely confused right now. JJ told me that were going to see Barry, but why would he want to see Barry? He hates him. And the
pogues clearly know something that I don't, they've been ignoring me the entire time. Other than when JJ was totally judging my outfit or me in general, he hasn't said anything or even looked at me.

"I don't understand, you guys hate Barry. Why are we all going to see him?" I just want to know what's going on.

"Brooke, did you guys ever like.. Have sex?" Kiara questioned, avoiding eye contact because she knows it's a weird question. "Excuse me? I don't think that's your guys' business." I replied. Now I'm really, really confused.

"Sorry I know that's weird, but I just don't want you to get absolutely heartbroken." What is she talking about?
"N-No.. I told him I wasn't ready yet. Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?!" Im getting agitated now because it's none of their business if we had sex or not. Is Barry dead?

"Oh look were here, you can see for yourself." JJ spoke, upset about something but I don't know what. He can't be mad at me for being curious?

I looked up to see some girl straddling Barry while he kissed her neck and his hands slid down to her ass. WHAT THE FUCK?!

"Wha.. Who is that on Barry?" I can't even get my voice to be above a whisper. I thought things were going good with Barry. I thought he was going to ask me out..

JJ was the first one to look at me and make sure I'm okay, but I'm not. I'm on the verge of tears and I can't breathe. Its not like I'm hyperventilating, Im just not breathing.

I got out of the van and walked up to Barry and just started yelling. Anything I could think of.

"Are you fucking kidding Barry?! I gave you my all! I gave you everything I had in me! I fought with everybody in my life just so I could be with you!! But it was all fake to you... How could you just sit here and pretend like you want me then go and do this?!"
I can't breathe. It feels like my throat is closing and after I just yelled at him, all I can get out are a few suppressed choked sobs. I feel dizzy.

"Brooklyn I can explain I promise. I do want you baby, I want to be with you. She was just here and it was a spur of the moment and I've had a few drinks. Please forgive me, please." By now he had shoved her off of him, and she clearly was hurt. Barry even looked a little remorseful.

"Who are you? Is Barry your boyfriend or is he telling the truth?" I asked through squinted eyes and a quivering lip.

"N-No Barry and I have been dating for almost 2 years.. We got in a fight a couple of months ago and were on a break but we weren't broken up.. He told me we were still exclusive." The blonde girl responded. She was now crying as well, and we both were looking at Barry.

"Look, Amelia. While you were away, Brooklyn came into town and I choose her. I figured after you were gone for 2 months and we hadn't talked once, that we were over." Who does he think he is?

"No! You've been lying to me this entire time, and you just lied again when you said it was the spur of the moment. You don't get to do that! You don't get to choose me, because I don't choose you. Whatever the hell this was is over." I yelled, then turned back around and walked back to the van, ignoring him calling out my name and saying it was a mistake.

When I got in the van everyone tried to talk to me at once but after a second they all shut up until John B spoke up.

"Brooklyn.. We didn't-" But he couldn't finish his sentence due to me interrupting
"Shut up. Just drive please. I just want to go home."

Nobody said anything for the rest if the car ride and I sat with my knees at my chest and my head resting on my kneecaps, crying.
I just don't get it. Why wasn't I enough? Did he mean anything he said about wanting me and liking me? Was he just in it for the fun? I mean the girl is prettier than me, but he lied to me the whole time. He could've just told me and we could've been just friends. I really liked him too.

When we got to the house I rushed inside and went to my bedroom, locking the door and just collapsed onto my bed. I'm also mad at JJ and John B. They could've just told me that he was with a girl, they didn't have to make me see it. Being told he was with a girl would've hurt a lot less than seeing him touch her and kiss her like he did to me.

I can't get the tears to stop. I've never had a boyfriend or whatever Barry was to me, and I'm not sure I want another one after what just happened. I want to escape. I wanna get out of the world for a few hours but how do I do that? It's not like I can go to space. I mean, I could always get drunk again, considering I don't remember anything from that night, I wouldn't mind forgetting everything. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I got up and put on blue shorts and my white crop top. As I was leaving the house I heart the pogues talking about how they feel bad for me and want to help but don't know how. I hate when people feel bad for me.
I'm assuming I caught JJ's eye because he excused himself and came to talk to me.

"Hey. How are you doing?" That's a dumb question. "That's a stupid question. And anyway it's not like you'd care." I replied, turning towards the door and nearly walking out before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I do care, Brooklyn. You're my best friends sister, why wouldn't I care?" The blonde questioned, removing his hand from my body.
"Oh I don't know maybe because you hate me?" I sarcastically stated. Why does he suddenly care? Is he gonna be nice now that Barry is out of the picture?

"I don't hate you.. I think you piss me off a lot, but I antagonize it." What is going on?
"Ok well I'm fine, I'm leaving." Turning towards the door again, and this time reaching the handle I almost made it but he stopped me again. "Where are you going?" JJ always keeps me wondering.
"Sara's. I might come back later, I might stay the night I don't know." I replied, walking out of the door before he could say anything else.

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