Not ready

46 0 0

A/N- This chapter has a spicy bit but no smut yet!
here's the fit guys 😝😝

A/N- This chapter has a spicy bit but no smut yet!here's the fit guys 😝😝

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Barry- I'm here let me in
Me- My window is wide open dummy
Barry- No it's closed with the curtains closed
Me- *1 attachment*

Me- You sure? this looks like a wide open window to me but maybe I'm trippinBarry- then where tf am I? also are you planning on letting me burn your house down or what cuz why you gotta candle right thereMe- Shut up I moved it, and considering I h...

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Me- You sure? this looks like a wide open window to me but maybe I'm trippin
Barry- then where tf am I? also are you planning on letting me burn your house down or what cuz why you gotta candle right there
Me- Shut up I moved it, and considering I hear something being hit like rocks at a window coming from John B's room, I think you're at his window
Barry- Oh shit I am. I'm coming hold on.

Laughing at his text, I put my phone down and sat, waiting at my window, and watching him pass it 3 times

Me- Barry you've passed my window 3 different times 😭
Me- I'm coming outside to get you hold on idiot
Barry- Don't call me an idiot.
Me- okay, sorry. Dummy
Barry- I hate you 😒
Me- Then go home
Barry- No hurry up I don't want JJ to see me
Me- I'm coming. and JJ isn't even here
Barry- he is, he's on the porch sunroom thing
Me- Oh. I didn't know that

"Boo!" I whisper shouted from behind Barry, attempting and succeeding at scaring him "Jesus fuck Brooklyn you gave me a heart attack" He replied, clutching his chest and giving me a fake stern look "Yeah yeah whatever, hurry up, I don't want JJ or John B to see you"

"So remind me again, why you insisted on coming over at 4 in the morning?" I asked, looking him in the eye, but not failing to notice the way he stopped whatever he was doing to look at me. "Cuz I wanted to duh." he deadpanned looking at me like it was obvious "You say that like it's the most obvious thing in the world."

"It kinda is."
"Okay whatever idiot."
"What did I say about calling me that"
"Ask me if I care"
"do you care?"
"Not at all. OO! No instead of idiot i'm gonna call you blueberry."
"Ew. don't."
"what? why?"
"Because that's dumb, call me something else"
"Like what"

"hmm call me daddy." He said smirking, obviously joking but catching me off guard

"BARRY!!" I yelled, immediately throwing my hands over my mouth after i'd realized my mistake.

uh-oh. I didn't mean to yell that loud but he caught me off guard and I forgot everyone is asleep.
"Shhh. Im joking hotshot shut up you're gonna wake blondie up."

"Hotshot? is it because I'm so hot."
"No, it's because you're so quick to come up with responses." He replied chuckling. But before I could say anything we both shut up because we heard loud footsteps coming towards my room.
"Shit. umm hide under the bed. Hurry before he comes in." I cannot believe this is happening. I've never even invited a boy to my house, let alone snuck him in and got caught.

Just after he got fully under my bed and I sat at my window, taking my phone out and pretending like I've been right there the entire time, the door swung wide open.

I honestly expected John B to walk in, but when it was JJ I was not only surprised, but also disappointed.
"Where is he?" he harshly asked, not even looking at me before going immediately to my closet to check there.
"Where is who?"
"Your little boyfriend"


"You know what. I heard you guys talking, it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that you snuck him in dipshit."

"You're really annoying  y'know that? And I was on snapchat snapping him that's what you heard. Now get out I have to change and get ready for bed."

"Why aren't you asleep anyways?"

"Couldn't sleep I guess, now get out."

"Ok fine bye."
that was close.

As he walked out and closed my door, I got up and locked it, turning towards my bed to see Barry already on it.

"What's his deal? Why doesn't he like you?"
He asked, looking at the photos I set up on my wall earlier. "I honestly have no idea, he's been rude to me since the second we met."
"Oh. Someone should beat him up for being so rude to you for no reason."

"Yeah, no. Nobody is beating anybody up but nice try."

"Ugh you're too nice hotshot. I see the way you look at him like you wanna say something rude but you don't say it, instead you act unbothered."
"But why?"

"I don't know, I grew up around violence and was told really terrible things my entire life, I guess I try to be nice so nobody thinks I'm treating them that way." I've never told anybody that, and I know it isn't a big deal but to me it is.

"I like the way you think." He replied, just barely a whisper, while looking me in the eye.

I don't know if it's because I'm tired or what but the way barry's eyes shine in the moonlight, and how his hands are perfectly placed on the pillow in his lap, and his smile. god his smile.
I swear I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips just for a split second, before returning to my eyes. As my face inched closer to his, and his closer to mine he interrupted the silence, speaking, not even a whisper. I'm surprised I heard it

"We shouldn't"
"Why not?"

what does he mean we shouldn't? We both obviously want our lips to meet one another, so why shouldn't they?

"Because. I don't want you to get into something you don't want to be in and-"

Before he could finish his sentence I kissed him. At first it was slow and passionate, till I pulled away and looked him in the eye
"Is this okay?" He asked, placing me on his lap to straddle him and gripping my waist. "Ya. Yes."
His lips returned to mine, his tongue slightly swiped my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter, but I wasn't going to give in that easily. As our tongues fought for dominance, I reached behind him and tangled my hands in his hair, and accidentally grinding against him, earning a small groan.
His lips moved from mine, to my jaw line, before reaching my ear and whispering "If you get uncomfortable at all I want you to tell me to stop okay?" To which I nodded "No, words. Tell me you understand me."
"Okay. If I get uncomfortable I'll tell you to stop."

Soon enough his lips found their way to my throat, absolutely attacking my neck, and most definitely leaving hickeys but I don't care, all I can think about is the way he's grabbing on to my waist with one hand, while the other is wrapped around the base of my neck. I accidentally let out a small breathy moan, leaning my head back allowing him more access.
It took him a matter of seconds to find my sweet spot, causing my breath to hitch in my throat as he began lightly sucking that one spot.

"you like that? hmm?"
"Yea." I replied, letting out another breathy moan, this one slightly louder than the last one.

His hands reached below me, tugging at the hem of my shirt, silently asking if he can take it off

"do you want me to stop? I'll stop if you want me to."
"I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to do that yet.."

"that's all right sweetheart, I don't wanna pressure you into anything you don't want to do." He definitely marked my neck up though.
"Thank you for understanding. We can watch a movie or something if you want."

For the rest of the night we laid down and watched a few movies till about 8:30 when he left so nobody found him in my room.

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