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Brookes POV- John B disappeared again. No clue where or why, all I know is he left a note a few days ago saying he promises he's safe and he will call me as soon as he can, thats enough to keep me calm. JJ's out mowing peoples lawns right now, and I'm just at home, scrolling through social media.

I was on instagram, stalking Emmas and Amys pages when I got a call from John B

Brooklyn- "Hello?"

John B- "Brooke! Hey, so.. um.. Something happened"

Brooklyn- "What?! What happened?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Where the hell even are you!"

John B- "Woah, slow down. I'm fine, at least until you get out here. I'm in the sunroom with the rest of the group, even JJ is here. Come out here."

Brooklyn- "What do you mean until I get out there?"

Before I could even finish my sentence, he hung up.
Why didnt J come get me? Why didnt John B tell me he was home? Why does John B think I'm gonna hurt him?
With all of these thoughts running through my head, I go to the sunroom. When I walked in, I saw a very angry Kie, an amused JJ, and a concerned Pope. I turn and see John B looking scared, next to- No. He did not. What the hell is Sara doing here?!

"Are you fucking kidding me." I didnt even raise my voice, as a matter of fact, I barely spoke above a whisper
He quickly stood, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Look, Brooke. I know she hurt you, and I love you, but I love her too. I want you guys to get along." He spoke, his eyebrows raised, speaking cautiously.
I shrugged his hand off of me, stepping back. He cannot be serious. Get along? GET ALONG?! She was my friend. At least I thought she was.
Kie spoke before I could
"Love her?! What happened to all that bullshit about using her to get closer to Denmark Tanny and the cross?!"
My question exactly. Sara looked at John B, hurt. Saying something about using her, I dunno, I dont pay attention to her.

"Y'know what? No. You are such a fucking hypocrite! You were so angry when JJ and I got together, then you do the same thing?! No, its even worse, because Sara is a horrible person! I wish I would've listened to Kie! I cant do this right now. Come find me when shes gone!" I was about to walk away when Sara spoke up

"Quit talking about me like I'm not here." Who the hell does she think she is?! This is my house.
"Then leave." Kie spoke, giving Sara a death glare.

"I agree with Kie, get the hell out." I said through gritted teeth, giving her the same look Kie did.
Sara turns to John B
"See? I told you."
I furrowed my brows, looking at Sara
"Told him what, exactly? That you're two faced?" I couldn't even get another word out before John B shot me a warning glare. However, Sara spoke before he could
"No. That you're a shit talking bitch." Who the hell does she think she is?! Kook queen, from land of the rich, thinks she can disrespect me, in my house?! I lunged at her, but JJ caught me and held me back while Sara just smirked. I pulled out of JJ's grip, storming in the house and slamming the door.
I could hear someones footsteps in the house about 2 minutes after I left.

"Brooklyn?! Brooke, baby where did you go?" He shouted, looking around the house before finally finding me in my room, throwing things around. He stopped me by grabbing my hand just before I threw a photo of John B and I at the wall.

He spoke softly, making sure I knew he's on my side.
"I know you're upset, but throwing things wont solve anything, princess. Lets take a breather, yeah?" He gently took the photo out of my hand, placing it where it was before, and putting a comforting hand on my back. I know hes trying to help, but where does he get off telling me to 'take a breather'

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