Sneaking out

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A/N- Im having serious writers block bruh 😭 sorry if this chapter is ass. Also I broke my finger so it's kinda hard to type, if you see anything misspelt just ignore it
Also! this is the fit after the shower

 Also I broke my finger so it's kinda hard to type, if you see anything misspelt just ignore it Also! this is the fit after the shower

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As I got out of the shower I could hear John B yelling, but I have no idea who he's yelling at or why because I'm blasting music

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As I got out of the shower I could hear John B yelling, but I have no idea who he's yelling at or why because I'm blasting music.

I decided that I didn't want the clothes I picked out, I wanted a different outfit, so I just wrapped a towel around myself and left the bathroom. So Imagine the shock when I see JJ sitting in the living room across from John B, facing the bathroom door, which means I have to walk right in front of him, with no clothes on, just to get to my bedroom.

"Oh. Uh hey Brooke." could this get any more awkward?

"Nice towel. Real fashion statement." Ok so it did get more awkward, thanks to John B.

"Shut up I didn't know there was anybody here." I explained, speed walking to my room.

I mean it's bad enough that JJ literally saw me bawling my eyes out, but now this? I don't know how or why he does but nobody gets under my skin just as much as JJ.

Anyways, I grabbed my clothes and got dressed then went to the kitchen to get some water, and of course I can't just walk around my own house without running into JJ.

"Hey. Uh, I'm sorry if I made things awkward a minute ago, I didn't mean to." He apologized, clearly looking straight at me but I won't even spare him a glance.

"It's fine. you didn't make anything awkward, the entire situation was just awkward." I spoke from in front of him, very obviously trying not to look at him.
"Why won't you look at me? Is it because I told you to stay away from Barry? Because I think you should but I can't control you.." not this again

"Why are we even still talking about this? I know you and John B want me to stay away from him, but even more than that, I know that both of you know that I won't stay away from him. Until Barry himself gives me a reason to believe you guys, Im fine where Im at so please let's just not talk about it anymore." I mean honestly, would it hurt them to let me be with whoever I want to be with?

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