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A/N- hey guys, I just wanted to warn you that there is intense language and mentions of abuse in this one. If you aren't comfy with that please skip!! Also guys this is the fit

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I got up and went to my bathroom, grabbing everything I need to get ready for the day but when I looked in the mirror, I swear I screamed

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I got up and went to my bathroom, grabbing everything I need to get ready for the day but when I looked in the mirror, I swear I screamed.

I thought Barry left a few small hickeys but that definitely was not small. I can't even cover them with foundation, and I can't whisk them out. my only option is a turtle neck but it's mid summer so no way in hell I'm wearing a turtle neck. There's way too many to say I just burnt it with a curling iron. I don't know what to do omg John B is gonna kill me.

Barry- What? what's happened? is something wrong?
Me- *1 image*

—————————Barry————————Me- BARRYMe- HEYMe- ANSWER ME RIGHT NOWBarry- What? what's happened? is something wrong? Me- YES SOMETHINGS WRONG!! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!Me- *1 image*

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Barry- it's simple. You don't.
Me- My brother is going to kill me. As far as he knows you and I are barely just friends.
Barry- Then don't tell him it was me 🤷‍♂️
Me- Why are you being so calm. Have you forgotten that my brother and half of his friends already don't like you?
Barry- It'll be fine just come to my place before they get up and you can spend the day here so when you return home tomorrow, they'll be gone
Me- That is a terrible idea because it'll take a week for this to disappear but i'll come over anyways.

I cannot believe I let him do that to my neck.

I quickly straightened my hair and put on mascara before changing into a white cropped t- shirt and light washed jean shorts, slipping into my converse and heading out the door.

Me- Im pulling up right now
Barry- ight we comin
I was too focused on parking the car to even realize he said 'we' so imagine my surprise when I walk up to where barry is and see Rafe standing right behind him. Immediately covering my neck with my hands and turning to Barry wide eyed

"He knows." was all he said before pulling me into a hug.
"Hey, Rafe."
"Sup midnight." huh
"Midnight?"I questioned, furrowing my brows
"It's easier to say midnight than to say 4 AM. And Barry told me Slut was offensive even if it is as a joke." Oh wow

"Oh. Who else knows?" I say, asking my second question of the day
"That depends, who saw you on your way here?"
"Uhh. Kie but I don't think she saw my neck, and Pope most definitely saw it but he didn't question anything. The others were asleep. Oh and I think wheezie saw because I had my window down and I passed her."

"Wheezies gonna tell Sara, and Sara's gonna tell Top, and Top's gonna tell everyone, so good luck with that." Rafe spoke up from beside me.
I'm assuming Barry saw my face of panic because he looked at Rafe with a 'undo what you just did' look.

"B-But I mean it doesn't matter because they don't know who did it." Immediately adding that after completely panicking me.

The rest of the day was spent with us playing truth or dare and eating our weight in carbs from the wreck before the twinkie pulled up to the trailer very aggressively, with none other than John B and JJ getting out.
"No. Go back home, let me have my one day of piece" I said, not even sparing them a glance.

"Show me your neck." John B demanded, with a harsh tone

"Why?" I know why. I just wanted to see if he knows what I know.

"I would like to see if Topper is lying to us or not. Show. Me. Your. Neck." JB Hissed, not wasting a second before he walked up to me and moved my hair, using his hand to force my head to the side, shooting daggers with his eyes at Barry
"You did this?" he barked, completely turning towards him

"No! No, it wasn't Barry." I exclaimed, hoping my voice isn't as shaky as I think it is. John B didn't even have a chance to speak before JJ decided to ruin my day yet again.

"Cut the shit Brooklyn, I know he was in your room last night." Who keeps inviting JJ??

"I already told you, JJ. We were sending snaps back and forth."

"If it wasn't Barry, then who gave you all of those hickeys?" My attention turned back to John B as he interrogated me.

"It doesn't matter who it was. Just- go home. both of you." I pleaded, not wanting to have to lie about somebody else.

"No c'mon Brooklyn! If you wanna be a slut we want to know. We wanna know the kinda whore we're living with. So tell us, was it Barry? or Rafe? or maybe both. All I know is you were up at the asscrack of dawn sucking down on somebody." What the fuck.

"JJ dude don't talk to my sister like that. I'm mad about the hickeys too but don't call her those names." At least John B is actually sticking up for me this time.

"I don't have to explain every fucking thing I do JJ! Especially to you! So what if I have a few hickeys? Just be grateful I'm not pregnant! Or maybe you'd make fun of me for that and laugh at me I dunno, all I know if for the past week I've felt like was absolute shit because you ALWAYS take things too far and you always have to be the one to win in an argument, even if it makes others second guess if they'd rather live in an abusive household than here!" I barked, with a few tears falling and more threatening to spill.
I don't usually cuss. Especially at anybody but JJ took it too far. I can't bring myself to stay and listen to what he was to stay so I just grabbed my keys and sped off.

I spent a few hours driving around before heading home because I really couldn't deal with JJ or John B right now.
It's currently 5 and I left Barry's house at 1. As much as I would love to stay out, I'm hungry, I want to swim but I don't have my bathing suit on me and I really, really need to blow some steam off. So I'm heading home.

The second I stepped out of my car, JJ came rushing to me like he'd been waiting all day for me to get back.

"Brooklyn look, I didn't-"

"Save it JJ I'm really tired and I just want to go swimming so we can talk about the later okay? I'm not in a good mood."

"Oh. O-Okay, yeah just come find me or text me. I'm really sorry."

I went to my bedroom and immediately put my swimsuit on, putting a bit of sunscreen on my face because I don't wanna burn, and grabbing a towel and tanning lotion before heading to the kitchen to prepare snacks.

I grabbed a banana, cut up a few strawberries I bought a few days ago, took watermelon slices, and a bottle of water before heading out.

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