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A/n- this one has arguing (not with JJ they've already had their fair share of arguments) so be prepared

John B's POV-
I got home from the wreck and the house was completely silent, which isn't normal. I checked JJ's room, nothing. The Sunroom, nobody. The kitchen, not a single soul. I swear to god if he's in her bed again.

I quietly opened Brooklyns door, and not only was he in her bed, but his hand was in her shirt while they slept. I gave him one fucking rule.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I decided to yell at them rather than walk out because something has been going on for weeks and I'm going to figure it out. They both shot straight up to reveal JJ was shirtless, and the shirt Brooke was wearing, was JJ's

"John B! You're home early... I figured you'd be out till 10 at least." In a panic Brooklyn just started saying things I'm not sure she even meant to say.
"Well thank god I am. That way you guys don't-" I was about to finish my sentence before I saw her neck, then I looked over and saw his neck.

"Tell me you didn't do that to each other. Tell me you haven't been macking on my sister, JJ!! Tell me you didn't break the one single rule I had for you!"

"I- Look man. I'm not even gonna sit here and deny that I have a thing for your sister, but can you leave so we can actually get dressed then we can talk." He was clearly nervous but I don't want to see either him nor my sister half naked so I turned around and slammed the door.

Brooklyn's POV-

"Oh god. This was not how he was supposed to find out, JJ. We were supposed to sit him down and tell him. He's mad isn't he? I mean, he was yelling, and he seemed mad." I have a million thoughts running through my head right now but the only one that matters is when John B said 'Tell me you didn't break the one single rule I had for you!'

Was I the girl he told JJ to stay away from? I mean it would make sense, John B and JJ are best friends, I would've told Sara first if I liked Rafe.

As we entered the living room, I saw JB sitting on the couch staring off into space with an angry expression on his face.

"Hey... Big brother.. Isn't it a beautiful day outside..? How was your day.." I awkwardly stumbled on my words. This is so embarrassing.

"Cut the shit. How long?"
"I- What?"
"No, Im talking to JJ. How long have you been going around my back after I told you my sister was off limits?" JJ was definitely caught off guard by the question because he also stuttered a little.
"Uh. O-officially.. Since midsummers. But about a week before that I think she knew. So I mean that's only like what 2 weeks.. Not too long." J replied, looking between me and John B

"Two fucking weeks?! Do you know what can happen in 2 weeks?!! Somebody could die, a baby could be born, a city could burn down, a friendship could be ruined." I think that last part was targeted based on the hint of hurt in his voice.
"John B, I'm sorry I went behind your back. But I am not sorry for the way I feel about Brooklyn. Just knowing her feels like breathing again after being underwater for too long. So I'm sorry that we've hurt you, but I won't stop seeing her. Plus, you got with her ex-best friend so how different could this be?"

He makes me wet by just talking.

Uh anyways, John B has been silent for about 2 minutes now and it's getting awkward.

"For what it's worth, JB. Nobody else knows except me, JJ, and now you. We were going to tell you today but we fell asleep and you walked into my room instead." I tried reasoning with him but he stayed silent yet again.
After about 6 more minutes of silence and me and JJ looking from each other to John B

"Ok. Okay, here's what's gonna happen. You guys aren't gonna act too coupley around me, and you are not to have sex with anybody around. If it were up to me, I'd say in general. But JJ, I know how you act when you like somebody. If shit goes south between you guys, you can't act like you hate each other again, just ignore each other. And finally, you guys have to tell everyone else." He didn't look at either one of us while he talked, then he got up and left.

"I mean... It could've gone worse. He's definitely pissed but at least we're both still alive.." I said, trying to brighten up the mood.

"Yeah. Whatever, it's not approval but it's a start. But you need to tell him that you're going back to Missouri tomorrow morning." He stated the last part with anger mixed with hurt in his voice.  Shit he did see my ticket.

"JJ, I can explain that." I looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes as he clenched his jaw.
"Explain it then, because right now it looks like you just wanted a quick fuck before skipping town and not looking back. It's a one way ticket. I thought we agreed to work this out from here, Brooklyn. I thought you were all in." He refuses to let the tears fall but I can tell they're going to.

"No no no, that's not what it is at all. I bought that ticket right after John B told us about him and Sara. Right after me and you got in a fight. I thought things were over between us, and I was mad at my brother and I had almost no reason to stay. Almost. But I kept thinking about you, and wanting to work things out. I'm not even gonna use the ticket." I moved over to him and got on my knees in front of him to make him look at me, because he was sitting down with his head hung down looking at the floor.

"I'm not leaving you, I promise, J. I am all in, I'm all in forever. I want you, and I want to be here with you." I reassured, holding his face in my hands.

"Ok. I believe you. But don't ever try to leave the state without yelling at least somebody, so people don't think you die- so I don't think you died." The hurt in his voice turned to concern as he looked at me
"That won't be a problem anymore because I'm not leaving. I made a life here. I have everything here. I'm all in with you. With us. Even if John B doesn't want me to be." Without another work I kissed his lips then we went back to my room and just lied down and cuddled.

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