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A/N- I was high as a kite while writing most of this so i'm sorry if it's fucked up

John B has been gone for 2 days and I'm starting to get worried. I mean I know he said he'd be a few days but he's been with Sara, who he hates.

"What's on your mind princess?" JJ whispered, stroking my hair with his hands.
"Hm? Oh, nothing." I don't wanna worry him because John B is his best friend too. I just smiled up at him but I think my smile was sarcastic because he just raised a brow and questioned me again

"That's not true and we both know it. What's goin'?" How in the hell is he so good at this.

"How?" I questioned the blonde
"How... What?"
"How do you know something's up?"

"I've been watching you since you first got here. That sounds creepy, but I don't care. When you were be pissed off at me, you'd play it off by just smiling at someone but I always saw right through it. Not to mention, every time you're concerned about something and someone talks to you while your thinking, you always start with 'Hm? Oh,' then say whatever bullshit excuse you have. I'm here Brooklyn, I want to know when you're upset, or when you're angry, or sad. I won't push you if you don't want to talk to me about it, but I'll be here when you're ready, and I won't judge you. I want you to trust me." JJ stated.

Honestly, I know that was cute and sappy but that made me really fucking horny. Don't get me wrong, I love that he's here for me, and I love that he's making sure I know that.

But he's here for me, and he's making sure I know that.

"I'm worried about John B. He already hates the few times I bring Sara around, so I'm sure he's gone absolutely nuts with 2 whole days with her. I dunno, JJ. I'm scared he's not gonna come back. Like maybe he went to look for my dad, but I need him to accept the fact that dad Isn't coming back. We're on our own."

I may not have been here when he died or known my dad at all, but if police say he's dead, then I choose to believe them. John B is going off the simple fact that his gut says dads alive.

"First of all, you'll never be on your own again. Second of all, JB Isn't stupid, he would tell us if he went looking for big John. And he probably is going nuts with Sara, but at least we know he won't make a move on her. There's absolutely nothing to be worried about, I've seen that kid eat shit off of the roof and get up to try and do it again. Trust me, if anyone can do what he's doing and make it back, it's John B." That's a good point, JB does some stupid shit and somehow survives it.

"Are you sure though? You know him a hell of a lot better than I do, but he also thought I wouldn't make a move on his best friend. Now look at us. JJ, we're literally laying in my bed, naked, doing the exact thing he told us not to. Who's to say he won't do the same with Sara?" I replied. I looked up at him whilst tracing small shapes on his chest.

"Yeah, but that's different. Sara's a kook. John B is a pogue, he wouldn't hook up with a kook even if his life depended on it. also isn't she dating topper?" He spoke above a whisper just before placing a kiss on my forehead. God I love it when he does that.

"Excuse me, I'm basically a kook and you still hooked up with me. I'm not seeing this huge difference you see babe." I'm trying so hard not to laugh because I wanna act serious, but technically, I am half kook half pogue. But at the same time JJ and I are.. Together? Friends with benefits? I'm not sure, we haven't labeled us quite yet.

"You're practically a pogue, and I more than hooked up with you. I finally got you, you're mine. Even if you were a kook, I still would've shot my shot with you." JJ said.

"Yes, exactly my point. There's no difference."
"Yes, there is"
"No, there isn't."
"There is."
"There isn't."
"I'm telling you, there's a difference."
"JJ there is none."
"Yes there is, you just need to look at it from a different perspective, Brooke."
"Then tell me this huge difference!"

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