meeting everyone

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When we got to the house, John B showed me to my room, and honestly it's super cute

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When we got to the house, John B showed me to my room, and honestly it's super cute. I'll put a few of my own things later obviously but I really like it.

"I uh don't know what you like or what decorations you wanted to I just set a few things up for you.. Sorry if it's plain" he apologized, sounding a little nervous.

"No, no it's great, I really like it. It actually fits my style really well."

Walking around and observing everything, and loving it, made me realize that I'm a little plain. I mean I don't get mad, I don't yell, I don't cuss, my sense of humor is sarcasm. But mostly, I'm looking at this plain white bedroom, thinking about how it's exactly my style. I think I'm a boring person but I hope the others won't think that.

"Good, well I'll leave you to unpack and do what you need to. Oh and your bathroom is right across the hall." He added, opening my curtain and letting some sunlight in. "Okay, thank you John B, for everything. I really really appreciate it."
-Time Skip 1 week bc I'm impatient!-
I'm about to meet John B's friends and I'm honestly slightly nervous. Ok, that's a lie, I'm extremely nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm annoying? I don't like meeting new people, it makes me feel like a burden, I just don't know how to explain it.

"Hey. they're all on the way, are you ready?" He asked, talking with a mouth full of chips. "Don't talk with your mouth full, and no I am not ready at all. What if they don't like me? Then what? I just go somewhere else every time they come over?" I realize that sounds a little rude but I can't find it in me to care right now.

"Woah, they'll love you Brook, I mean you're literally everything a pogue is, and more! Trust me, they'll like you." Okay that makes me feel a little better, but I'm still nervous. "Okay, so I'll fit in and it's perfect on paper, but in real like John B, I'm boring. I don't ever get mad, or yell, or cuss, my sense of humor is sarcasm, and I get offended easily. And for all of those reasons I hate meeting new people."
"Look, I know you're overwhelmed right now, between running away, going from Missouri to North Carolina, and having to meet a ton of new people. I get it, it's hard. But right now it's time to put on your game face, because you are not boring. Actually I think you and Kie will be best friends. She might even be your second favorite."

"And who's my first favorite?"

"Me. Duh."

"We'll see."

"Excuse me I am your brother, that means I have to be your favorite"

"Okay, okay fine. Maybe she'll be a close second, we'll see"
The sound of the front door opening, signaling their here interrupted me and John B laughing.

Oh god. Oh god.
I'm not sure who made it a rule that meeting your brothers best friends after running away from home should be awkward, but I'd very much like to have a chat with them.

I mean, this shouldn't be awkward at all, but here we are. John B is in the kitchen while me, JJ, Pope, and Kie are on the porch, meaning I'm alone with 3 people I don't even know.

Not to mention, JJ hasn't been saying much, mostly giving me funny looks, Pope has been silent as well, but Kie is acting like she's known me her whole like which I appreciate. I love it when I get along with new girls I meet. Like yeah it's nice when a guy my age and I hit it off when we first meet, but meeting girls my age and hitting it off is completely different, because teenage girls can be so cruel and mean. But not Kiara, she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met and I hope it isn't just an act.

"What's your deal, Brooklyn?" I was snapped out of my train of thought rather rudely by JJ, not realizing I'd been staring off into space and I guess offending him

"W-What?" God I wish I didn't stutter when I was nervous or caught off guard.

"I mean what's your like- story I guess, I don't know. So what, you ran away from your mom? Why, did she tell the princess she couldn't get a Jeep? Or did she say the princess couldn't go to a party?" Pardon? did I hear him correctly?
"Excuse me?" that's all I could muster. I can't find it in me to yell or cry or get angry at the entire situation, but right now he's making it extremely hard not to say some really mean things.

"I mean seriously, nobody is believing this whole 'sad girl from a broken home' act. So tell us, what really happened?" I looked around and I was definitely not the only one shocked by this, John B was stood in the doorway clutching 5 beers, mouth agape and eyes wide as saucers. Kie was sitting next to me looking like she just watched a bomb go off, and Pope was looking at him with a 'bro what' kinda look.
"JJ, what the fuck dude. You can't just say that to somebody." Kie replied from beside me, meanwhile I'm still in shock, but JB looks like he's ready to rip JJ apart.
"That's an extremely rude thing to say to somebody JJ. Let alone somebody you don't even know. And you wanna know why I left? I left because my mother is a drunk who let her boyfriend beat me with a belt, and hits her when even the slightest thing went wrong. I'm not sure why you don't like me, or why you've been looking at me like you've wanted to rip my throat out since you first saw me, but I'm sorry for whatever I did. Kie, Pope, it was truly great meeting you both, but I'm gonna get out of here."

"No wait, you shouldn't have to leave your own home just because JJ's being an ass. He can leave if he has a problem but it's not right for you to be the one to leave." I honestly love how caring Pope is but y'know what, this is the perfect opportunity to explore the island more.

"No it's alright, I need to explore the island anyways, see what it's all about. I'll see you guys later. John B, my ringer is on, if you need anything just call or text me." I realize I can't go out in this outfit, this is my at home outfit, I need to put on something cute so I decide to change.

"Wait at least take this I grabbed you a beer" John B stated as I walked past him

"I don't drink. I see what it does to people."

A/N- How are we feeling about it? suggestions are very much appreciated

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