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I woke up early the next morning to my phone ringing like crazy. I figured it might have been mom but it is only 5 in the morning and she was super drunk the night before so I doubt it's her.

*Incoming call from: John B 🫶🏻*
me- Hello
John B- Hi. You never told me what time to get you from the airport, also sorry if I woke you
me- it's fine I should get ready anyways so I don't miss my flight. I land around 11. what time is it for you?
John B- it's 6:12. is it not the same in Missouri?
me- No it's 5:12 here. the earlier the better I guess, I'm gonna get ready but I'll call you again once I'm on the plane.
John B- ok. i'll uh talk to you later then.
me- yep. bye John B

I got up and took a quick shower, washing my hair and body, after showering I blow dried my hair and did my skincare then decided to get dressed.

Throwing on a white crop top with black spandex and a grey jacket over it with a random pair of tennis shoes that were in the car, and put my hair in a messy bun letting my wavy front pieces be loose.
After about 30 mins of driving we decided to stop and get breakfast because we hadn't eaten anything. We stopped at starbucks and got drinks and a random sandwiches that sounded good.

  After checking in and going through security, Any and I said our goodbyes then split ways. I know Amy won't tell anybody anything, she's my best friend. I'm going to miss her so so much but it's for the best that I leave.
It took John B 3 rings before he answered his phone but he was probably out doing something considering it's like 8 for him

Me- hey I just boarded. I should be there in around 4 ish hours.
John B- Okay, I'll head to the airport an hour before you land so I can find parking and am not late.
me- Okay perfect. I'm super excited to see you again JB.
John B- Me too, Brooke. all of my friends are also excited to meet you but half of them are guys our age, so don't get any ideas when you meet them. alright?
Me- got it. I've never been much interested in being in a relationship anyways so that shouldn't be an issue. unless you're friends with a really hot blonde.
John B- I'm serious Brooklyn. i have a feeling you and JJ will get along a little too well. considering what you just said, and he's a blonde, and basically half the girls on the island are head over heels for JJ. do not do anything
me- alright alright i get it. i won't. i promise.
John B- good. look I gotta go my friend needs help with something but be safe please
me- okay bye JB.
John B- bye sis.

I wonder if this JJ guy is hot.. I mean I've never felt the need to date anybody or anything like that but this Isn't like missouri. I'll be able to be myself, to be free from the hell my mom has put me through. I mean at the same time i am only 14 and he's probably 15 or 16, but there definitely isn't any harm in a little flirting.

her outfit

 AHH IM SO EXCITED her outfit

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her hair (but brunette)

her hair (but brunette)

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