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A/N- I feel like this chapter is rushed but idk

When Barry and I arrived, I honestly expected a house party with blaring music but this was outside and it was a casual party.

"I feel so out of place right now." He whispered from beside me, smiling to people as we passed them.
We spent the next 5 minutes searching for Rafe, Topper, Or Sara but it wasnt hard to find her
"Ahh you guys made it!" she yelled, pulling me in for a hug and nodding to Barry.

"So thats why you didnt change. So you could match with Sara." Why is Barry always in a bad mood
"Why are you always grumpy? It's a party, lighten up a bit. And find Rafe because Im gonna go get a drink with Sara." I replied, laughing as she pulled me along with her. We eventually found the bar and ordered a shot of vodka and sodas
"Are you guys even old enough to have vodka?" The bartender asked, shooting a questioning look between the two of us.

"I'm paying you to be here, I'm Sara Cameron by the way, so again can we please get 2 shots of vodka, a coke, and a Dr. Pepper." Sara shot back, not in a snobby tone, but it was stern enough that we got our drinks, so we took them and found a table to sit at.

"I've gotta be honest with you Sara, I've never had a drop of alcohol in my life. My moms an alcoholic so I never tried it." I admitted, clearly nervous to take this shot
"If you don't want to take it you don't have to, but it's fun I promise. I'll even hold your hair when your throwing up if you go back for more." She joked, giggling.

"Ok. Okay Im gonna try it. But we have to do it at the same time or I'll chicken out."
She didn't even respond, She just cheersed me and we threw the shots back like it was water.

Let me tell you, it definitely did not taste like water.

"Holy shit! Ahh! That burns. I didn't think it would actually burn going down." I realize I only cuss when Im really mad but vodka is intense man.

"You drank it so well though! And that's why I got us sodas, to get the taste out of your mouth, and the burn out of your throat." I swear Sara is so smart. I was laughing with her till I saw Barry and Topper stomping up to us looking like we just made out with someone else.

"Uh oh. Our boys don't look too happy." I warned, pointing to their direction.
Sara clearly had a look that said it all. We aren't supposed to be taking shots.

"Care to explain why we just watched you guys drink vodka?" Topper questioned, mostly looking at Sara, but Barry was stating dead into my soul.
"We're just letting loose a little, having a little fun y'know! I mean honestly it isn't that big of a deal." I replied, shrugging it off.
"Not that big of a deal? You guys are 15!" Barry replied, annoying but still staring daggers at me

"To be fair, we're both almost 16. And it's not like we took more than 1 shot." Sara was trying to help the situation but they didn't seem to like that.
"No more shots, and no more hard alcohol by itself. if you want alcohol get a beer, or a fruity alcoholic drink." Sometimes I think Topper thinks he's in control, plus it's not like we wanted another shot anyways. At least I didn't.

Before we could say anythint else they walked away. Typical men always wanting the last word.

I spent the next couple of hours laughing, talking and dancing with Sara, then we found the boys and honestly after a couple (3) vodka cranberry's, I was more bold than usual.

I started dancing with Barry, grinding on him, and kissing his neck before he stopped me.
"How much have you had to drink?" He asked, placing his hands on my shoulders to steady me.

"Well that shot you saw me take, then 2 vodka cranberry's." I replied, smiling at him.

"You had 3, not 2." Sara spoke, walking up to us and stopping beside me
"Oh. 3 Vodka cranberry's." Still smiling I hugged him. I don't know why I just did.

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