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A/n- hey bitches we back 😜 before we get started, this is the swimsuit in question

A/n- hey bitches we back 😜 before we get started, this is the swimsuit in question

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Brooklyns POV~

Waking up with JJ's arms wrapped around me is truly my favorite feeling. However, trying to wake him up to go swim with the dolphins, is not my favorite feeling.

"J, c'mon get up baby, Daphne is waiting on us"
I turned over and started running my fingers through his hair, which in return, he tightened his grip on my waist.
"Hmm. 5 more minutes." He grumbled. This is not going to be easy. I wish he wasn't a heavy sleeper, but at the same time then he would wake up when I get up to get water or use the restroom in the night.

"Okay, I guess I'll have to go put my black bikini with the strings on and go all by myself, maybe I'll even swim over to figure 8.. all by myselfff" He knows exactly which swimsuit im talking about, I know he does because it's his favorite one of mine. And I know if anything will get him to go with me, it's that.

"Ok have fun" Have fun?!! HAVE FUN??? Okay I'm gonna play this one out. Instead of going to the bathroom to change, I'm going to change right here in front of him.
I go to my closet, grab the swimsuit and begin undressing. I had to make sure he's watching, so I slammed the closet door a little harder than I would, which got him to snap his eyes open.
Making direct eye contact with him, I reach down to the hem of his baggy t that I'm wearing, and pull it off revealing my bare chest, next, I slide my panties down to my ankles slowly without breaking eye contact. I carefully put the bikini top over my neck, tying it onto the back of my neck, then I tie it around my back and admittedly struggle to get the criss cross part to tie correctly, however I smoothly figured it out.
By now his mouth is agape and his eyes are practically bulging out of his head. After that I quickly tie the bottoms on and turn to leave the room.

"Bye, J. Don't have too much fun without me." With a wink, I exit the room, carefully and quietly closing the door.

"Wait- Wait Brooklyn!! Get ur ass back in here now!" There it is. JJ shouting at me through the door, because he realized I will seriously go all the way to figure eight in my bikini, just to tease him.

"Yes, baby?" I said in a low voice
"If you step out of this house in that bikini without me, I'll spank your ass raw." Without another word he got up and threw the pair of trunks he left here on. He grabbed my hand and we walked out together.

"Wait, JJ." I said in a fake panicked voice
"What? What's wrong?!"
"I forgot something!" I turned to him and pulled him in for a kiss, not necessarily making out, but long enough to be passionate.
"Okay, we can go now." He just smiled down at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Watch your step princess, there's rocks all over and you're not wearing any shoes" Why didn't I wear shoes. I knew there's rocks everywhere. This is me making a mental note to wear shoes next time.

"It's ok, I'll be fi- JJ! Oh my god what are you doin- AH!" Before I could even finish my sentence this fool picked me up over his shoulder and started running towards the beach.

Time skip- 9 P.M


Brooke and I spent a long time out in the water with the dolphins this morning, we didn't get back in until about noon. I finally did it, I got the girl. I keep saying stupid shit that almost ruins everything tho and I don't mean to. I'm not used to having anything this good and this serious with someone. I mean sure, I've had my flings, and one night stands, but Brooke is different. Brooke is everything. If I lose her, I lose everything. Anyway, right now we're at the chateau sitting at the fire pit with everyone else.
        "Wait. Let me get this straight. 3 weeks ago, you hated each other, now you're cuddled up like it was love at first sight? JJ you were so rude to her when you met her, and Brooke, you always told me how much of an ass Jayj is. I don't get it. We're you guys sneaking around the entire time? But no because Brooke and Barry were together. Oh my god did you cheat on Barry?! I mean you guys werent dating bu-"
Kie was going on and on trying to figure it out before she was interrupted.

"No, Kie no, We weren't sneaking around the entire time, only for like a week or two. And no Barry and I weren't dating but I wasn't with J at the same time, thats fucked up and I wouldn't do that to anybody. Yes, I thought he was an ass, because he acted like an ass to me. Turns out, the entire time he acted like that because JB told him to." She's so pretty when she talks. Or doesn't talk. Or just sleeps. Or exists in general. She's so pretty.

After another hour of them talking about me and Brooke we were all sat in silence watching the flames dance together. Brooklyn is inside using the restroom but shes been gone for like 10 minutes.
I started to worry then I heard the door open

"J! Baby!! Come light up with me!" Thats what was taking her so long, she was packing a bowl so we could smoke together.
"No coupley names around me guys, I meant it!!" I heard John B yell as I ran up to the house. I just flipped him off in response before scooping brooke up in my arms and running to her room.

Brookes pov- I light up the pipe and take a hit, handing it to JJ so he can take a hit.
"Be careful J I have the good shit this time its gonna kick ur thr-" Before I can even finish my sentence he is doubled over coughing, handing the pipe back to me. I cant help but laugh at the blonde.

"Brooke *cough* Wh *cough* Didnt *cough cough cough* You say some *cough* thing sooner *cough cough*" He continues trying to speak as he coughs, but it isn't really working.
"I tried! I handed it to you for 2 seconds and you took the biggest rip known to man!" Still laughing, JJ laughs along with me, flipping me off.

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